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Markiplier's POV

I sat at the airport with Nate. Sean, who we all just call Jack, was fling in today. 

"What gate did he say he was at again?" I asked Nate,

"Gate 3C," Nate answered. "This one."

"When is his flight landing?"

"Uhh, 4am I think."

"What time is it now?" I asked, my phone was in the car, and I hadn't brought a watch. (Mark, you idiot!)

"3:55," He answered.


I saw a plane come up to Gate 3C and stop. The gate thing connected to the plane, and passengers began to flood out.

"That's a lot of people," Nate said.

"I'm putting my hood up now," I said as I pulled it over my head.

"MARKIMOO!" A little girl shouted.

"Damnit, I was to slow," I cursed as she ran up to me.

"Oh, I' zo zorry zir," the mom said. "Zhe must of mistaken you for a YouTuber named Markiplier-"

"Ma'am," I said. "She has mistaken me to no one. I am Markiplier."


"OH ME GOD!!!" She yelled. "IT'Z HIM IT'S HIM IT'Z HIM!"

"Shush! I don't want a fan crowd around me right now!"


"It's fine."

"Can I?"

"Yes," I signed her computer.

"Nate, don't zink you can get away-"

"Darn, I was hoping luck was with me," he whispered then announced. "You got me!"

He signed her computer too. 

"Zank you!" She exclaimed.

"Look out!" An irish voice said as the girl ran into him


Me and Nate laughed.

"I will," he answered before she freaked out all over again.

"ZANKS AGAIN!" She exclaimed after Jack signed her computer.

"I have never zeen my daughter zo happy before," the mom said. "ELIZABETH! WAIT!"

"She made it easy to find you two," Jack laughed.

"I know she did," I sighed. "Let's get your stuff and get out before fan people find out we are here."

"Agreed," Nate said. 

And we walked to the luggage area.


We arrived at the luggage area.

"I'll be right back," Jack said and he walked over to Luggage Line 2C.

"I so hope no one heard her," Nate said putting on his hood.

"Same," I agreed. "I mean, no offense to her, but, I really don't wanna be surrounded by crazy fans right now."

"Exactly what I meant." 

Jack came over with his suitcase.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yep!" Jack said. He flung his hood on over his head. We walked out of the airport and to my car.

Experimented; Book One of the Experimented Series (Being Rewritten!)Where stories live. Discover now