Experiment Four; Fire and Blood

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Jacksepticeye's POV

Mark, Lewis, and Ryan were gone. Dead probably. Will was trying to break out of his chains. I mean, we all were, but not as hard as he was. Well, they did take his two friends, I told myself. I'd do the same myself.

Two guards came in and walked over to me.

"Woah! Calm down, Sean!" One of them exclaimed. I recognized him as the one who had stuck the syringe in my neck. I fought harder.

"Why couldn't all of them been put in a trance?" The second one complained.

"Are you going to help me or not, Otis?" Will's eyebrows shot up in recognition of the name. 

"I don't know I mean after what Doctor David did to the last two-"

"WHAT DID HE DO!" Will yelled. 


"Sorry, he did nothing bad... FOR SCIENCE?" He wasn't so confident as he had been feeling earlier. (And did he say 'FOR SCIENCE' as a  question?) They finally got him cuffed and unchained from the wall. 


"Ahhh, Sean," the doctor said. "We meet again." 

"Frick you," I hissed. 

"Calm down, calm down. I'm just making you better."

"I don't believe you." He frowned hurt then quickly put back on his evil smile. That got him better than I expected.

"Put him on the tube!" 

Otis and the other guard shoved me into the tube.

He pushed a button without hesitation. Fire filled the tube. I flinched, expecting the fire to burn me, but it didn't. It- It felt right. The fire disappeared. 

"Put him on the chair. NOW!"

"Yes, Doctor." 

They shoved me onto the chair and chained me up (with great difficulty).

"Okay, Doctor David will be here as soon as he can to give us the last thing need," he said.

"Oh no-" Otis looked like he was going to puke. So did the other guard.

"If you two have a problem with this, you can leave, if not, STAY!" He said.

Otis and the other guard ran out of the room.


"Alright Doctor Izh," Doctor David said pushing a contianer filled with red liquid into the room. "Here you goez."

Is it alright for me to think that is Dr. Scheenplistien? I asked myself. I mean he had the accent, the clothes, the occupation, EVERYTHING!

"Thank you, David."

Wait, is that, BLOOD?!

"Open Sean," Doctor Ish said.

I didn't open my mouth.

"Where are those two guards when you need them?" He sighed. 

"I'llz helpz," Doctor David hissed. He walked over to me. "If you don't open, I'll kill Markz, I'll kill Natez and the other three zubjectz." He hissed in my ear. "But, I'll make sure to kill Zigne in front of you. And it'll bez a long and painzful death."

"You wouldn't-" I started. Oops...

He had my mouth open, and he stuck the tube down my throat, and the blood oozed into my mouth. Again, I suspected I'd puke, but I didn't. I, I don't know how to explain what I felt as the red liquid entered my body.

Experimented; Book One of the Experimented Series (Being Rewritten!)Where stories live. Discover now