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Lydia's P.O.V. (Short chapter)

I checked my watch as I was waiting on my ride.

Damn DeMarco don't be late!

"Chill Dia, he's going to show up."Alana says smiling along with Lorenzo.

"Bestie is good that you're going out, you've been in this house for a good minute."He said looking at me.

He was right, I've been in this house chilling, crying, eating.

"I know, m-maybe mom needs me to babysit the twins."I replied studdering.

"Nope don't try it, Lorenzo and I are already babysitting them so no backing out now."

"Plus besides if you get all nervous you've got cute for no reason."Unique says walking out of my bathroom.

I smiled. DeMarco asked me out on a date and he's going to be here around four-thirty.

I can feel my heart pounding every second, every minute, and every millisecond.

I watched the clock turned from 4:28 to 4:29.

"I ain't even gonna cap, if Eve see you in that outfit he's gonna bust a cap in you and that nigga."Lorenzo said giving me a glare.

I forgot them two are like blood.

So I know he isn't lying about what Eve would do.

But here's the thing I don't care about what Eve says, he got what he wanted and that's messy ass Chyna.

Case closed.

"I don't care about Eve got to say."I replied as I grabbed my purse. I headed down the stairs seeing the twins in their car seats sleeping.

They are so cute, and their good babies they only cry when they need a diaper change.

I hope one day I get good ass babies like them one day.

I heard the doorbell rang multiple times as I was in my daze, I went towards the door and opened it revealing DeMarco.

Damn he smelled good.

He was dressed in a white polo shirt with khaki colored pant, one iced necklace on and black tombs.

He had a diamond Rolex on with two studded earrings in his ears.

He licked his lips and gave me a smile.

His teeth was white, not pearly white like Eve's but white enough to called them white.

"You look sexy as hell."He said staring down at my body and then at me.

"Thanks, you're so kind."I replied. He gave me a nice batch of yellow Daisies.

I motioned him to come inside as I put them in a vase full of water.

"So, nice place."He said admiring the whole kitchen.

"Oh's very beautiful."I said.

I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

DeMarco and I turned to see who it was and it was Lorenzo coming in the fridge getting a bottle of water.

They both looked at each other and instantly there was tension in the room.

I don't know where it came from, but not in here.

"So you're ready to go?"I said smiling at him.

"Nah, you can't go with this clown nigga."Lorenzo said interrupting me.

Yep they definitely know each other.

"Ahh see some things never change Lo."DeMarco said laughing.

"Nah it don't change, I oughta call Eve ass."He replied.

"Snitch ass, you still hang around that man? No wonder y'all gay as hell."Marco said responding.

What in the hell happened between them.

"Nah nigga never a snitch, how about you tell Lydia how old you really is with your dumb ass still in high school."

I looked at him, it was fear into his eyes.

Yup something happened here I can feel it.

"So what the fuck happened."I said interrupting the quiet moment in the room.

"I'm twenty-three this is the last year of senior year for me, if I don't pass I just don't get a degree."He said answering his head down.

Damn I'm fifteen, about to go out with a dude that I thought was seventeen.

I mean Eve is nineteen but that isn't much of a difference.

"Yeah his hot breath ass been in school since Eve and I was in school! This nigga a super senior!"Lorenzo said laughing.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Nah I don't shut up for no bitch, that be putting his hands on his mama and girl."Lorenzo replied.

I looked at him crazy. That just changed everything.

I dodged a bullet a big one at that. THANK YOU BESTIE!

DeMarco and Lorenzo pulled out a gun the same time.

It was so quick to the point that I'm not even sure what had happened that's how quick they pulled out their guns.

"Woah, stop guys... don't do that shit and my baby brothers in the other room."I said yelling at both of them.

"Dia tell yo date to drop the gun buddy boy."

I looked at DeMarco.

"Put it down Marco please."I said looking at him.

His jaw was clenched and tightened up, it looked like he had unshed tears about to fall.

"Aww, the dude is about to cry but talking all that big shit."

Lorenzo said laughing.

I signaled him to stop but all of a sudden I started screaming as bullets were flying through both of each other.

I ran and grabbed my brothers and went outside into my car and started crying with them as they were hollering.

I don't know who through the first shot or who is dead or alive.

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