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Alana's P.O.V.

I held onto Lorenzo's hand letting my tears soak into his nice golden skin.

He still was handsome even with all of these cords and ivs keeping him alive.

I've been coming here everyday for the past two months.

The doctor told us he was unconscious in the recovery room, I personally been leaving school early just to see him.

I talk to him everyday, I sang to him and I just look at him and just take time to appreciate what I have.

"Baby, I just miss you. We miss you."I said smiling at him.

I rubbed my belly at the thought of my unborn baby in my stomach.

We've been together for six months, and I'm already in love with him.

I found out a month ago I was pregnant. I haven't told anyone yet, nobody knows except for me and God.

My grades are terrible, I'm in no room to raise a baby or have any experience into raising a child.

"I don't know what to do Renzo, I feel like I'm trapped without you....." I said as I held my head down.

My phone started to ring and I grabbed it as I recognized the number.

It was the county jail that kept calling.

I knew it was my mother, she abused me she let men do whatever they heart desired to me.

I declined her call and put it back into my pocket.

"You're all I have babe, please wake up for us! I miss you."I said softly as I kissed his forehead and his hand.

It was a school day and I already missed three periods of school.

I wasn't showing but my stomach is starting to grow.

I feel my phone vibrating in my back pocket.

I grabbed it and answering it without looking at the number first.

"No I don't wanna accept calls from the jail."I raised my voice into the phone.

"Girl, who are you talking to? And why aren't you at school Alana."My dad voice rise through the phone.

I face palmed the shit out of my face and rubbed
My forehead.

Goddammit! I shouldn't have answered the phone.

"I don't know."I replied.

I knew why I wasn't at school, I just didn't wanna tell him my boyfriend got shot and he's unconscious.

He doesn't even know about Lorenzo yet.

"You have twenty minutes to get to school and if you aren't, we're going to have a problem."He said.

He ended the call without saying anything else.

I knew he wasn't playing, I knew he will come and get me and I can't have that.

I look back up at Lorenzo.

"I'ma go to school my love, I won't be gone for long I miss you, and I need you Renzo."I said as I stood up and kissed his forehead and hand.

His hand clenched mine and his eyes fluttered open.

His heartbeat became stronger and his pulse became stronger as well.

Tears were streaming like a waterfall down my eyes, I couldn't believe it.

"Hey Babe."He said hugging me.

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