Annoying aughtors and comments

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writers who think that they are so much better than everyone else and the ass kissers who lets them believe it. Just because you are a writer dosn't mean you are flawless, so get back down to earth and respect others ophinion about your book or their advices. 

I get really annoyed when I see the reader comment on something in the story that dosn't makes sense or is innacurate to the location, coulture, u name it, and instead of thanking them for their ophinions or tips, the aughtor responds with something like this:

''OMG HOW DARE U INSULT MY FANFIC!!!'', ''uh, it's my book so I can do whatever i want'' or ''stop hating on me, ur so mean! :C''. Like CHILL! they just wanted to help, or give you a new perspective. 

And do not missunderstand me, comments like ''uh, just so you know, this character is 14 years old, NOT 10. fix it!'' is not what I'm taling about. Those are just best to ignore.

On another note. To the possobly 2 or 3 people who reads this book, I'm sorry for not posting any new chapters in a vary long time, but I can't really find that much more to write about. I have a few more ideas, but after that I think I'm going to call this book compleated. 

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