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It's been a great summer, really one of the bests Frank's ever had. Being only 17 that may not mean much, but all he knows is that he spent 99% of the warmest season with his best friend in the entire world. Mikey was there too, the best friend's brother, who Frank felt was in the way at times but extremely fun to be around nonetheless. Like a mini Gerard, that looks almost nothing like Gerard. It's not that Frank found the younger brother annoying, there's nothing at fault with his personality at all (except his tendency to be nosy). It's that there were times that he felt were meant for just him and Gerard, his best friend, that Mikey wasn't invited to. He's not too sure why some moments are different than other, what makes them exclusive. It's just that, there will be this tension in the air no one can place, or at least Frank can't. Not a bad, angry or upset tension, but one that makes him nervous and excited. Whatever it is, Frank's been blaming it on his anxiety for the past couple months. Besides the tension and Mikey's uncomfortable presence, it's been a summer Frank never wants to forget.

Which brings him to where he's at now, walking home from the local Walmart. Gerard and him had a plan at the start of summer, they would get a disposable camera or two, and take picture throughout the entire summer when they felt it was needed. They ended up buying 5 cameras. Since they're disposable, they can't see the pictures until they're processed, hence the Walmart trip. The photos are in a plastic bag, and it's hard for Frank not to stop and open the little envelope and bask in the memories. He'd promise Gerard he wouldn't look at the pictures without the other, and he's trying desperately to keep it. He won't be seeing his friend till tomorrow, and the envelope of precious moments will be sitting near him all night-teasing him.

When he gets home to the two-story townhouse, his dad is there to greet him.

"Hey, Frankie, where ya been?" Mr. Iero greets, putting down the mug in his hand down to the counter.

"The only place to go around here," It's true, Walmart is the closest thing with a twenty-mile radius. Therefore, if you want a grand outing to the mall or nice restaurants, have fun with the thirty-minute car ride. His dad snickers, and eyes the bag being placed on the table. "Gotta hit the bathroom real quick though," Frank leaves the bag there and runs upstairs to his own bathroom.

He's only gone for about three minutes, not long enough to change the course of his life, not long enough to completely ruin his relationship with his dad. Yet, when those minutes are up, and he walks downstairs, he's met with a red-faced man and a crumpled picture in his hand. Confusion is the first emotion that hit him- why is his dad looking through his things? Also, why did he crush the picture?

"What are you doing? Those are my pictures," and then it's anger, because processing photos isn't cheap, and the memories on them are priceless. "Dad!" Frank shouts when he doesn't respond but continues to grip the photo in a ball.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mr. Iero's voice is deep and rusty, clearly angry and frustrated.

"Tell you what? Stop crushing it," Frank stomps over and reaches for the photo but his dad just pulls the photo close to his chest.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're gay?!" And that, has Frank fucking frozen in place. His heart rate sky-rockets and all the blood seems to leave his body. Frank-he's not gay. Well, he doesn't know, and that's what has him a statue. He doesn't even know what his sexuality is and he's already being berated about being a sexuality he's never admitted to himself about. The anger in his dad's eyes is something he can't look away from, there's a hint of sadness too. And that surprises Frank even more than the accusation-his dad is totally homophobic, and that's new. "How long have you been fucking Gerard, huh?" Fucking Gerard? What the fuck? Frank's mouth is wide open in shock, eyebrows raised to the heavens. He's never even touched Gerard's dick for Christ's sake and he's being accused of having sex with him? What the fuck? Look- Frank can admit that he's definitely thought about it a lot-but his dad doesn't know that. And his dad also has no reason to think that they're fucking, and even if they were Frank's shocked he has such a problem with it. "Don't look so surprised, Frankie, I'm assuming that's what you've been doing all summer over at his house, right?" No, no, Frank hasn't been doing anything sexual in like, ever. He's been at Gerard's watching movies and deciding their next road trip. Not having sex. All he can manage to do is shake his head, which just pisses Mr. Iero off as he shoves the picture to the smaller man's chest and storms off. Frank quickly grabs it to look, breaking the promise but he feels it's okay at this time. It's crazy how drastically emotions can change for just a second or two. Because looking at the picture, at him and his best friend, every negative feeling leaves him for a moment. It's replaced with a simple happiness and a warmer heart, a common feeling whenever looking at Gerard. It strikes him about three seconds into looking at the photo- yeah, they definitely look like a couple. It's a photo Mikey took of them when they were on a road trip through Virginia. The state has some of the most scenic routes one could witness. A long ass drive but worth it. In the picture it's them at one of the outlooks. They'd asked Mikey to take a picture for them with the view behind them, and he did, but just not when they expected him to. Frank's sees himself with his hands in Gerard's hair, he'd been fixing it after the wind blew it a little hay-wire. But what makes his heart so warm, is the memory of Gerard taking advantage of their closeness, to wrap his arms around the other's waste and kiss his forehead. Which is what's pictured here, Frank getting his forehead kissed by his best friend, and the pure look of happiness on his face. It hurts, that this photo will officially be linked to a not-so fond memory.

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