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It's been six months since the worst day, and I've been miserable since.

I've lost weight. I've lost interest on doing anything. I even quit my job. I can't function. I might as well die.

Whenever I'm around people, I remember the times we were together. Whenever I'm alone, I miss him, I remember him even more.

I remember this one Christmas, we were celebrating at their house. We climb on the roof. He spread a blanket and we just lay there. Side by side, holding hands, with my head on his chest, hearing his every heartbeat. As usual, we talk about random stuffs. He's pretty smart, and I love having conversations with him. We talk about everything, from the little things like books and movies and music up to the big things like the beginning of time and the existence of a supreme being. 

We were watching the stars when he suddenly speak, "Whenever you miss me, just look at the stars. Remember that wherever I might be, I'm also looking at those same stars and I'm thinking about you, and missing you more that you miss me." I just smiled and kiss him. That's how romantic and sweet he is.

So every night, I open my window and look at the stars. I'm crazily hoping that he will just show up and tell me he miss me more.

My friends and family are trying to help me move on. But I just can't find the strength to do that. He was my strength.

Everyday I wake up, I always want it to be night again so I can look at the stars and then dream about him when I sleep.

I know this is not healthy and he doesn't want me to be like this, but what can I do? I'm fighting depression but it's winning.

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