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Today is his second death anniversary. Yes, it's been two years. I think I'm better now.

It have been really hard for me to accept his death and move on. He was my life, my happiness, my everything. It's hard to believe that he was gone in a blink of an eye. I've learned to live my life with him and then suddenly he's gone. Imagine having the best dream ever and suddenly you wake up. You'll confuse yourself with reality.

When you lost someone, people don't expect you to be okay. People expect you to grieve. Grief is and important part of life. It helps you to become a better person. But after you grieve, people also expect you to stand up and live your life. You cannot grieve forever. You gotta move on no matter what. It may take you months or years, but trust me, eventually, you will.

To you honey, the love of my life, I'm standing on your grave. I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I'll say these anyway. You were the love of my life, and you'll always will be. Even if you're gone. I will always love you. You will always have a special part in me, and you will never be replaced. I will never ever forget you.

To everyone who have lost someone even if it's a lover, a family or a friend, don't be afraid to grieve. Don't be afraid to let out all the emotions you have inside. Shout and cry all you want. But let other people help you. There's still people who cares. And don't stop living, because you can't. No matter how you try, the earth will still turn, the sun will still shine.

I accept his death. I accept that he's gone and will never come back. I accept that I need to move on and live without him.

This one time, we were in my living room watching a movie, he just blurt out, "Honey, if one day I die, I don't want you to be lonely and miserable. I wan't you to find someone, someone that can make you happy like I do."

So that's what I'm going to do. I'm gonna be happy. Either it is with or without someone else, I'll surely find ways to be happy. I'm gonna find my happiness.



I tried to finish this story as soon as I can, and I did, in four hours. Yay me! I don't want to publish this in installment cause I think I'll lost the ideas later on.

I also intend for the stages to be short, cause I think making it long would just ruin it.

So thanks for reading. I wan't to hear all your comments and reactions. :D

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