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sooyeon p.o.v

We were intensely gazing into each other eyes.

Taehyung is actually pretty handsome up close..

wAiT NO!

Then, suddenly Taehyung smirked.

Goodness this is really embarrassing why did I even think- you know what forget what I said about him being handsome.

I stomped teahole's foot and let myself free from his bag.

He quickly let me go and yelped in pain.

"hEY what was that for?!" he shrieked.

"Y- you're invading my personal space!" I said as I felt my cheeks heating up.

I felt lucky he let me go, because at that moment it feels like that he was a predator, and i'm the prey, and he was about to eat me up alive.

I let out a groan and went back to my seat.

Not long after, I can hear the teacher's footsteps from the hallway.

"Alright, now both of you can go home. Don't ever do the same mistake again, both of you." said the teacher monotonously.

I grabbed my bag and quickly ran from the classroom, not wanting to deal with Taehyung again.

I left the school building. It was already pretty late. I can see the sky getting dark, painted with hues of orange, purple, and red. the shadows on the street started to lengthen along with the darkening skies.

I quickly rushed to my house, i definitely won't like it if my mom nags at me once she realizes that I had detention today.

The large spruce trees on the pathway to my house made dark shadows by the dimly lit path. It kind of felt spooky when the sun is out.

As i stepped out of the evergreen path, I finally saw my neighborhood and headed inside my house.

"Mom, I'm home!"

Before I could have my reply, I heard a yell from the kitchen.


Welp, my mom is definitely angry right now, the fact that she used my brother's full name.

In case you haven't known yet, Jungkook is my younger brother. He may appear very cute, but don't let his good looks deceive you. HE'S REALLY DARN ANNOYING!

Once, he stuffed a slice of pizza inside my pillowcase just to annoy me. I only realized that it was there when it started to rot!

And oh my goodness. THE FREAKING SMELL THO! It still lingers there after I got rid of the pizza and washed the pillows.

He just laughed at me when I discovered the pizza was there.

HE JUST LAUGHED! What the heck!

Oh, the good ol' days.


I heard my mother yell from the other side of the room.

Not long after, loud footsteps from upstairs can be heard.

"What is it, mom?," I heard my brother answer.

I leaned in closer to the kitchen door.

Nothing... Seems wrong?


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