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sooyeon p.o.v

That's the last thing i heard coming out of his gritted teeth, as he roughly pulled my hair.

I let out a loud yelp in pain.

"WHAT THE FORK MAN?!" I yelled at him.

"It was you, wasn't it?!," Taehyung yelled at me, fury burning in his eyes.

"Yes bxtch, it was me! That's your fault for embarrassing me in front of the whole cafetaria before! You deserve it!" I snapped as I threw a hard punch to his stomach.

"Fxck you Jeon Sooyeon!" he pulled my hair harder as he pushed me to the cold classroom floor.

"Heck no, I'd rather die than do that." I stood back up and swiftly kicked his right leg. Taehyung groaned in pain.


We both went on full on attack mode; punches were thrown, kicking, pushing and biting is also involved. The classroom was a mess, chairs and books flying are visible in the fight. Screams and profanities came out of our mouths as we both kept fighting. People are looking at us but right now I don't give two shizzes.

"YOU FORKING BXTCH, STOP BRUISING MY HANDSOME FACE YOU IDIOT!" he said as he furiously threw a chair towards me.

"But guess what, I JUST DID YOU BUTTHOLE! Actually, you aren't even handsome to begin with, oops~" I said, as I caught the flying object, throwing it back at him.

"Go say that for yourself you witch! I hate it when you touch me with those filthy hands of yours!" roared Taehyung as he flung himself to me, pinning me on the ground, as he slapped my face.

"EW, DON'T TOUCH ME YOU UGLY PIECE OF SHIZ!" I yelled as I got on top of his chest, choking him.


Now it was his turn to put me into a chokehold. Our bodies were bruised black and blue, Taehyung has a black eye and my left knee is bleeding.

"Let g-go, monkey face!" I said underneath his hand, biting it really hard so he'd let me go.

But then, a loud voice interrupted us.


"See you ugly a$s witch, look at what you've done! Because of you now I have forking detention!" he said as he forcefully pushed me as far as he could from him.

"No YOU see you rotten faced monkey! This is ALL because of your forking immature a$s!" I growled as I stepped on his foot.


But before he could finish his sentence, the principal yelled anger fuming out of his chest.


"But I haven't finished my business with that-" I complained, puffing my red cheeks in frustation.

He just pulled us with him to the principal's office, before we could argue more.

"Take a seat." he said, sighing on his desk.

Taehyung shot me a deadly glare, and I mouthed an angry "WHAT?!" at him, glaring back at him.

"You guys probably already know that fighting is prohibited in this school. Now because of what you've done, you'll clean the school's toilets after school." he subtly said.

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