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sooyeon p.o.v

Man. Today's sleep feels so good. Why haven't mom woke me up yet? i snoozed my alarm twice this morning, yet she doesn't come inside my room yet.


I layed in bed for another good five minutes, letting the warm sun rays shine on my face.

My alarm rung again.

I'll just lay down another five minutes...

Hold on.

This is getting TOO SUSPICIOUS.

Why isn't my mom barging into my room?

Something's definitely up.

My eyes shot open and I quickly stood up from my bed and grabbed my alarm clock from my nighstand.



Yhen I noticed a yellow sticky note beside my alarm clock, I then read what it says.

Hello Sooyeon! Today I have a really urgent meeting to do, so once you wake up to your alarm clock, remember that I already prepared breakfast on the kitchen!

- Mum

I then dashed towards the bathroom and took the quickest shower of my life. I ran to my closet and wore my uniform.

I didn't even bother to wash my face or put any makeup on and ran downstairs.

As I arrived on the dining room, I quickly grabbed the toasted egg sandwich that's on the table and ate it whilst running to school.

I ran as fast as I could until I finally arrived at school. I was breathing heavily, as I tried to check my watch on my way to the classroom.


Only two minutes left and I'm late!

But, before I could reach my class, I bumped into a broad chest.

"Ouch! Sorry, I'm going to be late!,"

I said, as I looked up.

The boy I've bumped into was really cute. He had plump pink lips and a noticeably fluffy hair that's dyed a shade of silver. His jawline was defined and sharp, eventhough he had quite chubby cheeks. He just flashed me a smile and said,

"It's alright! Hope to see you soon!"

I smiled back at him and ran to class.

I sat on my seat and sighed. Perfectly on 8 A.M. I'm lucky that I've made it on time! I grinned to myself and stretched my arms on the table.

Not long after, I glanced on the seat beside me.

Yes! It's empty! That pabo isn't here! I can finally live in peace now.

The lesson then began and I tried to concentrate. The image of the boy that I've bumped into suddenly crossed my mind.

He's pretty handsome, isn't he?

Plus, he seems to be more kind than that jerk Kim Taehyung!

But then, the sound of a door blasting from the other side of the room was heard.

Speaking of the devil.

The teacher didn't seem to care, as if it happened almost everyday.

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