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a/n: he looks so unreal like how can someone like him exist on earth?!1!1!

sooyeon p.o.v

I was on my way home after an awesome day on the arcade with Yoori, maybe also Taehyung since I guess he invited himself in.

The steps of my sneakers are the only sound that can be heard on the clear, sunny day. The sun was really bright, its rays somewhat blinding my eyes.

I passed through the brick walls of some group of buildings until I heard sounds, which I distinguish as meowing coming from its corner.

Normally I wouldn't care, but since I need to get more experience in life I decided to investigate.

I approached the source of the sound and heard it coming from a plastic water pipe. Curious, I bent down and took a peek inside. All I see is a helpless little fluffball, which somehow ended up stuck inside the pipe.

Cautiously, I dismantled the bottom part of the pipe and freed the poor guy. It has grey fur and two small ears. A small pink nose and starry yellow eyes, and a fair amount of white whiskers.

 A small pink nose and starry yellow eyes, and a fair amount of white whiskers

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It is the most adorable creature I've ever seen. Is this what they call..
A kitten?

Just kidding lol of course I know what a cat looks like.

I put off my pink jacket and carefully put the kitten inside one of its sleeves to warm him up, its soaking wet form shivering because it was drenched a lot by the cold rain.

As it was dry, I put him back to the sidewalk, planning to leave him there and go home. I stuck the dismantled part of the pipe back as I brushed off the dirt off my hands.

"There you go little guy, I have to go home, hope you have a nice day!" I said to him, petting his soft grey ears and turned my heels to my way back home.

But as I was walking home, I could hear soft mewls coming from behind me. I stopped and looked back.

There it was, the small grey kitten, rubbing its head against my legs, purring. How cute.

"Sorry little guy, let's just meet some other time, okay? My mum must be worried if I don't go home now..." I said, looking at him.

I left him there and fastened my steps home. I would look back once in a while just in case he's following me, and he never stopped.

But just when I thought he's lost track of me, I saw him RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. That little fluffball. Staring at me, with those irresistible golden orbs.

I sighed in defeat, carrying him inside my jacket. He purred as I took him in my arms as he would always close his little eyes whenever I'd pet him.

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