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April 4th,2019

She is a left out person.

She always knew about that. But she still trying really hard to be accepted in the enviroment around her. And guess what? It never really end up better, like she always though it is could be.

She always trying hard to be a kindest person in everyway possible. Act like it all natural for her, kind to every person she meet. Pull a smile face, act energetic and have a power over everything like a hero. She beliefe that kindest give her an at least a small opportunity to be 'seen'. She want to be seen and make people aoround her remember her.

She always trying to be there when someone in needs. Basically everyone. She try to help, give something or even throw her already made plan to someone else needs. Is that bad? She never really though about it. She just do it. Naturally at first, but then she felt like..... being left out. People just come to get something and forgot about anything else about her. Come back when they need her.

She trying to learn how to say 'No'. But it is not always working.heck, it maybe never working when she try to say that. These people just know how to say something, saying words that, 'how can I say no to that again?'. Even if she say No at the beginning, she end up doing it.

And now she felt like, she just a trash can. Where it always everywhere but never need it when people clearly didn't have a trash. She normally a shadow. The black fitur that always there, but lots of time didnt even being recognize.

She felt bad about it. She hate it. And that become she hate herself for doing it.

She angry, not to these people, but to herself... for become such a stupid person she is.

She pity herself even more, even worst.

Cause she knew she is nothing. She cant do things she really want to. She didn't do anything she had interest to.

And that's why she knew. She is a trash can.

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