Chapter 3

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The acceptance letter made Eden forget all about the wide open door. It had actually happened. She was a bounty hunter.

She skipped into the front room, the letter in hand. Jane looked up.

"So? What's the word?" she asked.

"I did it!"

Jane smiled, but there was something off about it. It seemed distant and unfamiliar. "I'm really excited for you. You seem to have had your heart set on this for a long while now." she said. "Tell me, why do you want to be a bounty hunter so badly?"

"It's been really hard to get a proper job lately. No one takes a seventeen year old seriously, even if we are adults. Anyways, my father doesn't make very much money on his job. Bounty hunters are paid well, and I've been hoping that if I make enough money, I can buy a house and we can stay together. That way, he wouldn't have to get by on almost nothing." Eden said.

Jane paused, considering something. Then, she nodded and smiled. "That's very considerate of you, you know."

"Well he's my father. I love him." she said.

"How touching." Jane said. "I'm sure he loves you just as much, and that he appreciates all of the hard work you've been putting into helping him."

"And what about you? How are your parents?" Eden asked.

Jane gave a cold laugh. It made her nervous. That just wasn't in her nature.

"They died a long time ago." she said. There was a pause where Eden didn't know what to do or say. Then, Jane beamed. "Oh well, what does it matter? Nothing, that's what. I only knew them as a child, so I've gotten over it." she said.

That was odd. She had gone from dark and cold to perfectly happy and chipper. Then again, what about these girls wasn't odd?

Jane stood up and walked into the kitchen, then began to laugh. "There's no food left. We're all going to starve!" She practically sang. Eden tried to laugh too.

"We're not going to starve, there's a marketplace right nearby..."

"Oh, I forgot we had those. Silly me." she said. Eden could almost see her dancing around the kitchen, and she could hear her humming to herself.

"You know what? I'll get groceries. I'm not really doing anything, and I'm getting hungry too." she said.

"Thank you!" She said. "You're so kind, you know that?"

"Alright, I'll see you in a few minutes." Eden said. Then, she walked into the kitchen, picked up a few empty bags, and walked out the door.

She decided to take a quick walk through the park. After all, she had a little time before the markets got crowded. She began to tread along a path for a couple of minutes, admiring the leaves and the stillness of the beauty around her. She walked through a small grove of trees to see a paper posted to one of them.

Taking a closer look, it was a wanted poster. One of a sorcerer. The sorcerer was a girl with long hair, sparkling eyes, and a mischievous smile. She couldn't help but smile as she recognized the face. It was Koga.

Although sorcerers were supposed to be hated, everyone picked their favorites, whether a band or an individual sorcerer. It was like picking a favorite sports team or player. It was no coincidence that Koga was the favorite for most people. She was crazy but hilarious.

Realizing that it was getting dark, Eden decided to head off. As she drew near the markets, she saw only a few people. She was relieved, as this meant that she had arrived just before all the long lines, loud fighting, yelling, and overall chaos. The people of Ared liked to come at night. It was cooler then, and most were too busy with their jobs during the day.

Gathering her groceries from different stands, she quickly turned to leave, satisfied with her haul. Standing what was now in front of her was a man probably seventeen years old. He was slightly taller than average with a very muscular but slim figure. His hair was a light brown with bright red streaks waving through it, and his eyes were a bright yellow.

Eden instantly recognized his face from many wanted posters around all the kingdoms. His name was Tobias, and he was an infamous sorcerer and assassin from the Legend Slayer Band.

She opened her mouth to scream, but Tobias threw his hand over it, muffling the noise. He then smirked. "Sorry, but that just won't do."

Remembering all of her training, she flicked a small pocket knife out of her bag. Then she stared him dead in the eye.

"What do you want, sorcerer?"

Tobias grinned. "Simple. You."

Eden's eyes narrowed. "Sorry, but that's not gonna happen."

He laughed. "Sorry bounty hunter, but I'm afraid it's so." He looked her up and down. "You're a newbie aren't you? You look too intimidated to be experienced."

Eden glared. "What does it matter? I'm still going to lock you up, Legend Slayer."

The people running the stands were all watching, writing urgent letters to the Anti-Magic Council. They recognized him too. That was good. It meant she was going to have back up, and she wasn't sure she would be able to do it on her own. After all, he was a sorcerer who had been training his whole life, and she hadn't been a bounty hunter for a day.

"Good luck with that." Tobias said.

"You're the one who's going to need luck."

Then, they went at each other.

Eden hardly knew what was going on. Only that she was losing the fight. Miserably. She gritted her teeth, then flipped around and in a burst of rage and hope, she thrust her knife at his heart. Unfortunately, before the knife had even left her hand, he had swerved out of the way.

She watched helplessly as the knife clattered to the ground behind him. It had been a stupid decision to throw the knife. She should've thought that through better.

Looking up at Tobias, he was covered with cuts and bruises, but Eden knew she had taken ten times the beating.

Tobias looked over at the knife with a grin, then back to her. "Yep, definitely a newbie. I might've let you catch me, but my dignity couldn't take it."

Eden grew desperate, having no idea what to do. She began to feel a strange sort of energy pump through her veins, trying to rip itself out of her. Suddenly, the nearby water pump exploded, sending the marketplace into chaos as water flooded into all the shops and stands.

She had no idea what was going on, but whatever it was, it was bad.

Tobias's eyes widened slightly, as though he had realized he just made a mistake. Eden was wide-eyed, looking down at herself shaking and terrified. What had she just done? The shopkeepers and other customers all began to scream, pointing at her.

Even more people began to send letters to the council, and there were flashes of golden light everywhere. Tobias looked around for a minute, locked eyes with her, then nodded and ran.

She was in a daze. There were people sending letters to the council. That could only mean one thing. Bounty hunters. She needed to run.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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