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September 10th, 2010

Dear Diary, 

I went out with the cute guy and I really like him. He's a YouTuber. His name is Jake Webber. He treats me really well. The thing I like is he isn't to perfect like Matt. He has flaws as everybody does. He is really cute and he's really funny. He took me to his house so I can meet his friends. They all are so sweet. They treated me so nicely for meeting me for the first time. I became really close with one of his friends. His name is Colby. He's kinda like my best friend now. 


September 15th, 2010 

Dear Diary, 

Everything is going good with Jake. We hang out a lot but not every day. It starting to feel like I'm having a good normal life. I try to forget about my past and I never bring it up. Recently I've been getting really creepy/weird texts from this random number. I don't know who it but I assume its some kids pranking me. I just delete the number and move on with my day. I finally got my own house. I live alone and I feel fine. 


Septemeber 21st, 2010 

Dear Diary, 

I love Jake so much. He is an amazing boyfriend. Yesterday I told him everything that happened to me. I was hesitant but I told him anyway. I'm really glad that I told him because he makes me feel better and more secure about what happened. He thinks I should move in with him but I don't know if I should. Still, too soon I think


October 13th, 2010

Dear diary, 

I think this is gonna be my last entry. I keep hearing weird noises outside. It is Friday the 13th so I'm a little on edge. Shit, the lights just went out. I think I'm gonna call Jake and ask him to come over. I might be freaking myself out. I'll keep this journal update haha. 

Friday The 13th :)

Dear Dumbass Diary She Always Wrote In,

I loved her a lot but she was dumb for staying. My mind is a messy place. I can't tell love from hate. I hated hurting her but my mind would tell me more and more until she was unconscious. I couldn't help myself when I was drunk. She was dumb for staying. She had plenty of chances to leave and she didn't. You know I was pretty dang excited to be a father but my dumbass had to ruin it. I hate myself so god damn much. I don't even know why I'm writing in this dumb thing. Her friends deserve to know. Anyways, my mind told me to finish the job and just kill her. I tried but I was too weak because of how much I loved her. I let her live. I told myself she was dead so she could live a normal life. I pretended I was happy that I killed her. My mind knows more than I do. My mind knew she was alive. They told me I had to finish what I started. I didn't wanna kill her. I love her. Here I am standing over her dead body, hating myself more than ever. I'm weak and my mind is too strong. My thoughts are too loud. I couldn't hide. I had to do what they told me to do. I hate myself. Even dead shes beautiful. Well goodbye, I guess from me to her. From me to you. I'm sorry, I had to. Ash, I loved you so much and hated everything I did to you. You were the only good thing in my life but my thoughts got the best of me and now your dead. 


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