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"Zai?" Lance recognized the druid's voice. But he couldn't believe that he was here, standing right in front of him.

"That's me." 

Lance let out a breath of relief. He decided to ask his friend for help. "Thank goodness that you're here. Can you please help me?"

"Why would I help the enemy?" 

Lance gaped at Zai. "What?"

"I'm not going to help a traiter. Well, first you betrayed your team to join the Galra Empire. Then, you betrayed the Galra. I'm not going to betray the Galra like you did."


"But we were friends?" Zai chuckled. "I was forced to be your friend. Who would ever be friends with you?"

Lance stared at Zai in shock. He couldn't believe he had fallen for the Galra's dirty tricks. He should have known this would happen! 

I should have known...

"Haggar was so angry when you betrayed the Galra. How you betrayed her. In my opinion, it was her fault that you betrayed the Galra. She gave you my memories thinking it would change your view. Which it did, until now."

"You're memories?" Lance's wrist was throbbing and his headache was now a minegrane. Why was the universe giving him so much pain? What did he do to deserve this?

Zai shook his head "You really are an idiot. Who's memories did you think they were? Haggar's that she made up? No. She took my past and put it in you."

Zai took a step forward. "Ever since she took my memories, I've been wanting revenge for awile. But I knew Haggar would kill me if I killed you. But thanks for you leaving, she now has given me a chance to finally kill you!" 

Electricity shot out of Zai's fingers aiming towards Lance, but Lance quickly went into the void. While Zai was talking, Lance had found enough strength to enter the void. 

When Lance entered the void, he collapsed on the ground. Everything was hurting. Every limb was sore. His head was pounding with his wrist. First his team started hating him, then his so called 'friend' now wants to kill him, and on top of all that Lance was still a mess on which side he should be on. Lance didn't know how much more he could take. 

As Lance had expected, Zai had followed Lance into the void. Lance couldn't fight. He couldn't do anything. He knew he was done for.

"Go ahead." Lance struggled to speak. His words were starting to slur and everything was getting darker. "Go ahead and kill me. End me from my misery."

Then Zai did something Lance had never expected him to do. He hesitated. The electricity zapping between his fingers dimmed.

"What are you waiting for? Kill me!" Lance almost yelled. 

"You're not afraid to die?" Zai asked instead of killing Lance.

Lance couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Of course I am. But I'm in so much pain right now, it would just be a miracle to end my life." 

The electricity was now gone and Zai started walking towards Lance. 

"What are you doing? Please! Just kill me!" 

Zai merely shook his head. "Why? Why would it be a miracle to end your life?"

"What are you doing? You wanted to end my life a few minutes ago!"

"I know..."

"Then what suddenly changed!?"

"What you said--about it would be a miracle to end your life."

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