The Blue Lion

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Lance woke up to voices. He sat straight up, struggling to get the sheets off him when he saw the paladins of voltron. 

"Lance, calm down." The Champion said. "You're safe."

"Safe?" Lance tried to stand but the room started to spin. "How can I be safe? You're probably going to kill me now that I'm awake."

"We aren't going to kill you, Lance." An Altean woman with long white hair said. Looking at the woman made Lance's heart skip.

"Uh huh...sure." Lance stood again and started walking toward the door. "I'm just going to leave now..." Lance turned but ran into the red paladin.

"You're not going anywhere." He commanded, glaring at him.

Lance turned around, knowing that it was no use to escape. "What do you want with me?"

"We want to know how you're with the gulra." The Altean woman explained. 

"Yeah, like, how are you a druid? You were my best bud!" The yellow paladin added.

"Or like how can you do magic?" The green paladin said.

"I would like to do a brain scan..." An Altean man with a crazy mustache muttered.

"Uh...yeah no." Lance backed away. He checked his quintessence. He had enough for one jump. 

"Lance please—" Someone started but Lance entered the void. 

In the void, Lance ran down the halls. He made many turns. Not exactly sure where to go. But something about this place felt familiar. Lance ran until he felt himself start to fade. So he reapeared and kept running.

Lance ran into a room and shut the door. He backed into the room, not aware of his surroundings. Suddenly, a roar shook the room. Lance whipped around to find himself face to face with a mechanical blue lion.

Lance screamed. He was going to die! He was going to get eaten! Lance closed his eyes and fell to the ground. He wasn't ready to die! 

He prepared himself to get eaten. But the lion never ate him. Lance opened his eyes and stood up. The lion starred at him with yellow eyes. Lance realized that this lion felt familiar, like everything else. He felt a bond between them.

Lance also realized that the lion had some of his quintessence. Which was impossible. Everyone had their own unique quintessence. How could this robotic lion have quintessence? Was it a robeast?

Lance reached out, about to touch it. But the lion's mouth opened. Lance prepared to be eaten. But, again, the lion never did. Lance looked up and saw that the Lion wanted Lance to climb in. 

Lance walked into the lion's mouth, hoping it didn't lead to its stomache. Lance soon found himself in the head of the lion. 

Suddenly, a the blue's lion roar echoed in his mine, causing Lance to jump. It felt like it was...talking to him. But how? It was a robot!

Lance sat down in the seat. It felt right to be in the lion. All his worries fell away. He felt like he was home. Lance closed his eyes and opened his mind to the lion without realizing it.

Welcome back my cub. You have changed. The blue lion said telepathicly. 

Lance opened his eyes and almost fell out of his chair. "How are you in my head?!"

The lion sighed in his head. What has that witch done to my cub?

"What witch? Hagaar? What do you mean welcome back?"

Let me show you something.

Lance suddenly saw himself falling down a tunnel and ending up in a big cave. In the center of the cave was the blue lion. Lance realized that he was looking through his own eyes. The paladins of voltron were there too. 

Lance got up, so did the red paladin.

[Okay, I think we all know what happens now. It's season one episode 1 "Rise of Voltron". But basicly Lance just sees the memory of the time he first met the Blue Lion. The memory ended when he sat in the chair in the Blue lion.]

The memory faded. "When did that happen? Was that my memory? I don't remember any of that!"

Yes, it was yours. It was the time we first met. 

Lance shook his head. "No, nonono. Your messing with me. This has to be a prank. Yeah, yeah it is a prank. Robots can't talk to you." Lance let out a nervous laugh. "Okay Zai, you got me."

This is no prank, Lance.

"Yes it is. It has to be. It must be a prank...right?"

It is not a prank, my cub. 

Lance felt the Blue Lion trying to get into his head, trying to search his memories. "No! STOP! You are not allowed in my head! GET OUT!" Lance screamed, getting up from the seat and running out of the lion.

"I'm done...I have to get out..." Lance felt a minegrane forming, but he kept walking. 

Lance was almost to the door of the hangar when a stabbing pain struck him in his head. Lance fell down to the ground, crying out. 

Please my cub, let me help you.

"NO!" Lance screamed. It felt like his brain was being ripped apart. He could feel the blue lion searching his mind, looking for something. "What are you doing to me?" Lance cried.

I'm trying to make you remember.

"Remember what?!" Lance snapped.

To remember me and your team... to remember your past.

The pain got worse as the lion pryed deeper and deeper. Eventally, Lance couldn't take it anymore. It felt like his brain would burst. His vision blackened around the edges, all he could hear was a ringing in his ears.

Lance never heard the footsteps aproach him. He never even noticed being picked up. All Lance could think about was the pain in his head. He had never felt such pain. It almost felt like being eletrocuted.

Suddenly, a memory appeared. He felt himself being electrocuted by a druid, and it wasn't meant to stun. When Lance looked up he saw Hagaar. 

The memory felt like a knife stabbing him over and over again. Lance couldn't think. His head was hurting too much. He din't know how much he could take.

Time passed without Lance realizing it. When the killer minegrane lessened, and Lance was able to open his eyes and think clearly. Lance saw the team surrounding him. Deja vu washed over him.

Lance sat up when he remembered the memory that had resurfaced. He knew he experienced it. But when had this happen? Why would Hagaar eletrocute him if he was a druid? He was loyal to the gulra empire. Loyal servant of Hagaar.

"Lance, can you hear me? Are you okay?" A voice asked. Bringing Lance back to reality.

"Leave me alone!" Lance cried. 

"We want to help you, Lance. Tell us what's wrong." A different voice said.

"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Lance could feel himself going in and out of reality. He couldn't tell what was real anymore. "Please... l-leave me alone..." Lance whispered, clutching his head and closing his eyes. "Please..."

The team walked out of Lance's room, leaving him alone until he woke up. 

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