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I've been living with my new mom for about 3 years now. I'm now 12 and in school. Mom goes to college and when she at school I'm either with grandma or at school myself.

Mommy says she gonna become a doctor that way she could always take care of me. She also takes me out on hikes to take photograph of the scenery. So why she's taking photos I like to draw. I look up to her really cause if it wasn't for her who knows what would've happened to me that day, if she didn't help me.

Readers POV.

Since college went out early, I got in the car and started driving to Starbucks.

" who knew majoring to become a doctor whole minoring in law was going to be so stressful." I thought to myself out loud. 

   I pulled up to the Starbucks drive thru window, and order two Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher,one small and one large, and one dozen of Chocolate Dulche de Leche Muffin.

After receiving my order, my phone started going off . Parking in a near by slot,I pick up my phone to see it was the school. Worried I immendently answer it.

"Hello this is this principle, Ms. Sizemore. Are you the guardian of Sam." The person from the other end spoke.

"Yes, did something happened?" I asked trying to be calm.

" I think this would be better to talk about in person." She replied.

"Okay, I'll be straight down there." I stated.

"Great." The lady had replied before hanging up.

Putting the phone down I backed out of the slot and droved off to the school house, slightly worried.


Bruh I feel like this story might be a little bit boring for some of y'all, but trust me it get better later. I just can't jump right into the action, now can I?

Anyway I hope y'all like the book so far.

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