Day 6 - Touches

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Denki has noticed two things about Bakugou over the time of their friendship.

The first is that he doesn't really like to be touched.

Sure, if you're his friend he'll allow it, but he gets all tense and snappy until you stop. If you aren't his friend and you try to touch him you're at risk of losing a hand. And if doesn't like you? You won't even get close enough to try it.

The second thing he's noticed is that Kirishima seems to be an exception to this rule.

Bakugou allows him to lean on/hang off him all the time, it doesn't bother him. Hell, sometimes he's even sworn he saw the blond cuddle up to Kirishima. It baffled him and made him wonder why the shark-toothed boy was the exception.

So naturally, he asked Kirishima about it.

"Kiri, what the hell is with you and Bakugou?"

He had cornered Kirishima after class movie night when everyone was leaving and said he had something important to talk about. After he asked the question, the boy went as red as his hair.

"W-what do you mean?" Kirishima stuttered out, and Denki motioned vaguely.

"The fact that you're the only one he willingly touches and let touch him."

He tilted his head and his eyes narrowed in confusion, "He lets you guys touch him all the time, you literally had your feet in his lap five minutes ago."

Denki rolled his eyes, "Well yeah, cause I put them there, and he wanted them off the entire time and snapped at me because of it, right?"

"Yeah...? That's generally what most people do when you put your feet on them?"

"No!" Denki shook his head, "Just last week, you did the exact same thing to him, and he didn't care. He even played with your feet!"

"Oh," Kirishima blinked, then shrugged, "I don't know, man, guess we're just closer after Camino."

Denki watched him walk away with narrowed eyes, vowing to get the real answer.

Denki began watching the two interact, noting the little touches they gave and things they did for each other.

He saw Kirishima brush Bakugou's hand to get him to calm down when he got mad at Midoriya. He spotted Bakugou combing out Kiri's hair after a particularly rough hero training class.

Denki knew that there was a reason why they were so touchy, and it definitely wasn't because of Camino, no matter how traumatizing it was for them. There was something happening that he didn't know about, but he was gonna find out.

Denki marched to Kirishima's dorm and didn't even knock before barging in.

"Okay, no lying to me this time I kno- HOLY SHIT!"

He walked in to see Kirishima pinning Bakugou against the wall, legs around his hips, and his tongue shoved so far into Bakugou's mouth he wasn't sure how he wasn't choking on it.

Kirishima ripped away when he heard Denki shout and both went red as he quickly back out of the room. Before he closed the door again he heard Bakugou laughing.

Five minutes later he sat in the room facing Kirishima. Bakugou had left with a roll of his eyes and a smirk at Denki and now the two were left in an awkward silence.

"So... now I know why you two are so affectionate?"

I don't like the ending? But I don't know how to continue it?


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