Chapter 6: Gone...

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Hanji's POV

By the time I felt that I was able to breathe... I weakly opened my eyes... and I then found Levi on the side... I screamed at the top of my lungs. He was... darkless... when I held him, he didn't flinch, and he didn't seem to be alive. Kissing his cheek, I tried to see some kind of darkness in him... but there's nothing...

"Levi... Levi... please... wake up..." I held him, wanting to cry. "Levi..."

Tears began to fall from my eyes and onto his soft, faded cheeks. I held him close and gripping his hand tightly. I need him... please...

*   *   *

I watched the nights passing by... and Levi was gone from my grips. By the end of every day, I cried, hoping for him to come back... so I could see him again... before I had to return to the moon. I just... cried and nothing came for me.

And soon, it was the end of the week... and the light on the moon began to show again. Wiping my tears, I stepped towards the light and I felt every part of my body being pulled away towards my moon. "I'm sorry... Levi..." My last tear began to shed as I began to fade up.

"Hanji!" Turning away, I saw Levi... panting and looking at me with tears brimming. "Don't go... please, my maiden..."

"Levi..." I shook my head, not believing what I saw. I held his dead body... and he was cold... and dead. The darkness was drained from him... and he just seemed... so unalive. How could this be possible?

His hand laid outwards, reaching towards me. I screamed to him as his hand reached into the moonlight... but I began to calm down when I saw him unaffected. He didn't wince or cry in pain from the pure light. The moonlight was harmless to him... what happened? "Stay with me... please..."

When I thought I cried my last tears... they began to fall again. I then fell to my knees... gasping for air. "Levi... how is this possible? Y-You were dead..." I kept repeating that same phrase over and over. 

Levi's chuckle was relaxing to hear as he knelt next to me. His hands felt warm against my hands and he pulled them close to his chest. "I guess... your moonlight purified me... I'm no longer bound to darkness and limited by the light. I'm... more like a human..." He chuckles more, pulling me in for a kiss. "You can live with that ring on your finger, right? As long as it recharges for moonlight every night? Live with me here... stay with me here... be my wife..."

I kissed him, smiling and holding him tight to me. "I will... just... don't leave me... not ever."

He chuckles more. "Like I would leave you..." He nuzzles me, holding me tightly.

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