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"All of you, scatter. Remember to kill all the people who wants to struggle and be careful of their traps and poisons, understand?"

"Yes, commander." All the agents reply to their beautiful commander's command before walking in.

Ming Yan, the commander of the elite forces of the FBI, the Alpha Team, and the doted young miss of the Ming Family with a military history issued a command. They are doing a dangerous mission right now.

Having a tip from one of the agent, they soon located the location of one of a famous and deadly criminal slash mafia group, the alpha team set out on a mission to capture it's leader and kill those members who struggled and refuse to surrender.

Here they are, in front of the building of that group. They have a front or disguise that's why the authorities are struggling to locate thier location. Luckily, they had now.

The group name is Hundred Poison Group or it's called by others as Toxin Mafia (Jam's Note: I just made up the name. I know it's lame, but what can I do? I'm bad at naming. Please understand😣😣) is famous because of their deadly, dangerous and highly toxic business. They sell highly toxic poisons, illegal drugs, kidnapping and smuggling children, women and weapons all over the world. There's also rumors circulating around the underworld- the world full of criminals- and even them- in the FBI- that the group have so many kinds of highly toxic poisons that's not been seen by the world.

They sell it at a high price, but the production are still in demand. However, they didn't sell any of it's antidote. So if you got poison bought by them, even if you call the famous and expert in detoxifying of poisons, they might not be able to save you.

Arriving at the upper most floor of the building, Min Yan warned the remaining members with her of the same thing before commanding them to raid all the rooms in the floor.

When she arrived at the room which she thinks the boss's room, she's shocked by what she saw. The room is full of paintings of her favorite painter. Especially the 'Moonlight' which is displayed in the middle.

(Jam's Note: Again, the painting's name are purely fictional. I just created it based on my imagination.)

Also the room looks like the typical room of a CEO. It's like the person who using this is not a boss behind that dangerous criminal group. A typical luxurious room but low-key.

Seeing that no one is present and the slightly ajar door, Ming Yan bravely comes in even though it's dangerous.

"Yan'er ah! I thought you will arrive late, eh!"

Jolted by the sudden manly and hoarse yet cold voice that comes from the man sitting in the bed that faces his back at her, Ming Yan ask: "Who are you? Who told you to call me familiarly?"

Standing from where he's sitting, Song Chen turn his body to face the woman who clearly forgotten him.

"Yan'er, ah! You clearly promised to me that time you will never forget me whatever happens. But what is this? You clearly broken what you promised, no?"

Looking at the handsome man that's emitting a cold and dangerous aura in front of her, Ming Yan didn't know weather to laugh or cry at the situation. She didn't know what made this man said that and she confused as hell why of all people he said that to her, but she make herself looks annoyed and angry outside.

"What do you mean I forgotten you?  I only know you few days ago prior of the mission, okay?"

Still smiling that is not a smile, Song Chen said: "Of course you'll say that."

Ming Yan really didn't know what he's saying but when she thinks why he's saying all this nonsense because of buying time, Ming Yan smiled coldly.

*Smile* " Hah! Do you think I don't know why your talking all this nonsense? If you think you can get away because of buying time  because your waiting for someone that will save you, your not. You think you can still escape? Not so fast, mister."

Tilting his head, a flash of light passed by his eyes.

Nonsense? This girl, because of her amnesia she becomes more bold than the last time I saw her, no?

In almost whisper voice, Song Chen said: "Nonsense? You're thinking all I've said are just nonsense? Good, good. From the last time I saw you, you seems to got more guts Yan'er, ah! You really think it's all nonsense?"

"If not then what is? Pei, enough with talking. You should just surrender or else..."

She didn't got to finish her words when Song Chen interrupted her.

*Smile* "Or else... what?"

"Or else..."

Again, Ming Yan didn't have any chance to finish her words when a grenade without a pin rolled in her feet. In her panic, she wants to run away from it when a strong and stable arms caught her.

Song Chen grabbed Ming Yan in her panic to his arms then jump with her in the window and whispered sweet words in her ears.

"Even if you forgotten me Yan'er, I didn't even once forget you. Your always in my mind and heart. I can't born with you but I can die with you. Yan'er if there's another life, wait for me to find you okay? When that time comes I will surely love you and never once will I let you go, understand? Sleep tight my Yan'er. After this everything's gonna be fine."

Even though she just know him because of the mission and she even didn't know him personally, but hearing the sweet words he whispered to her and staying in his arms make her feel safe and loved. She also didn't refuse the idea of being with him in the next life and staying in his embrace like this.

Closing her eyes with ease even though she knows she will die at any moment, Ming Yan wish to stopped the time for her to stay in his embrace a little longer. But that's impossible so Ming Yan smiled and answered: "Okay. I'll wait for you. Just make sure to be faster or else I will get bored and find someone to replace you."

Hearing the gentle and unexpected words from her, Song Chen still smile even though they will die at the next moment.

"En. Don't worry, husband will be sure to arrive to your side faster."

Both of them smile with closed eyes enjoying the little time they had. Even though the conversation looks like it's long but in reality it happened in a short time because after that, they died from falling to the 28 floor.


Jam's Note:
I feel like crying now. Finally I had time to make a major major edit to the story. Ah, not. Actually the Mischievous Young Miss had a thoroughly change. Some details in the plot, some of the character's names, places and even some little detail and even it's original title got changed.

I just realize how lame and boring it was. I hope you understand😣😣. I want to make a story that's fulfilling enough for me.

I'm really sorry🙇🙇.

Also I hope you still support this new and improvised version.

Don't forget to vote⭐ and comment.

That's all for this chaptie!!

I PURPLE YOU💜💜💜 (Only A.R.M.Y's knows this...)

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