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"Miss, madam called you at the main courtyard." Based on the memories on the original Shen Yan, that voice is from one of her two first ranked maids, Shen Qui. The maid wearing a yellow dress.

Standing up from where she's been sitting, "Then, let's go."

With a personal maid in tow, Shen Yan made her way to the main courtyard where her new mother is. But what perplexed her is why did her new mother called her when she was supposedly resting. It's unusual.

After the senior servant waiting at the entrance of the courtyard announce her presence, Shen Yan comes in to be welcomed by her mother talking to someone with countless chests out in the open are laid for her to see.

"Mom, why did you summon me?" Shen Yan asked her mother.

"Oh, your already here Yan'er. I called you because I intent to make some dresses for you. So I some seamstress to get your new measurements. Plus, the empress dowager's banquet is getting nearer. You need to have new dress for that occasion." Madam Zhou, Shen Yan's mother explained while caressing her daughter's hands.

"Okay." Like a docile daughter like the usual Shen Yan portrays herself to her mother, Shen Yan let the seamstress to get her new measurements. After all the deeds are done, Madam Zhou let Shen Yan pick some silks and brocades she likes to be make for her dresses and handkerchiefs.

After everything's done, Madam Zhou beckoned her daughter to sit beside her. Gazing at her lovely youngest daughter, Madam Zhou can't help but to smile gently.

"Yan'er, I'm sorry if you need to be like this. If not because of me--"

Shen Yan didn't let her mother finished her talk when she interrupted, "Mom, it's not your fault and it's okay. Besides, it's also my decision to be like this. I don't want to have many suitors who pestered me all day. I already contented with my peaceful life."

Yes, your right. The rumors about her wouldn't have started if she let everyone see her face. No one would be malicious to spread rumors about her being so ugly you would even dare to eat after you see it when she didn't have to be mysterious as to conceal her face.

But what can she do? Her mother doesn't want her daughter to be pestered annoyingly by anyone, so she come up with this scheme. By which worked so much.

Ming Yan just know it when she decided to examining Shen Yan's memories thoroughly. Well, she can't say anything since she's agreeing to what Madam Zhou had did. She just only want her daughter to live a quiet and peaceful life. Unlike those noble madams who uses their daughter's face to their advantages without a care for their daughter's feelings.

*Sigh* "As you say. By the way, when did you start cultivating, Yan'er? How come your already at Profound Qi?" What Madam said give shock to Shen Yan's heart as her mother can see her cultivation. But her shocked only lasted for a second before it dispersed.

"Mother, I was cultivating all this time, okay? I didn't tell to all of you since I want to surprise you. Who would've thought you will blow my surprise so soon?"

"Then be careful, okay? I don't want my baby daughter to get hurt. Tell mother if you need something. Mother will give it to you right away." Madam Zhou dotingly  said to her youngest daughter while patting her hand gently.

"Don't worry mother, Yan'er will take care of herself."

Finished in her purpose, Shen Yan walked back to her courtyard.

After informing her maids not to disturb her,  Shen Yan decided to work on her space.  The goddess gifted her seeds so she wants to use the space for her convince. 

Flashing herself inside of her space, she inc  again felt the difference of this independent space than outside.

The air here are much more fresh than outside and even the qi are much more denser. Hence, it will really cause a disaster once the outside world will know of its existence.


After two days of a busy work, Shen Yan decided that now is the time to execute her plan. Operation: Build a force strong enough to protect her family.

But first, she have to buy slaves. She can order he two loyal maids to do it, just that she wants to do it plus she was bore as hell now. She wants to go out of her courtyard and experience the feeling of those protagonists who also got transmigrated like her when they go outside.

"Miss, why don't we jut do it ourselves? You don't have to go out." One of her maids Shen Ra said while helping Shen Yan in her disguise.

"Don't worry, Shen Ra, Shen Qui was with me. Plus its not like we're not coming back. We're just going to be gone for a while, relax."

"Yes, jie ah! Don't worry, I will protect the young miss so you can rest assured."

"That's also the reason why I'm like this, okay?! I don't trust you that you'll really going to protect the young miss. What if you enjoyed yourself to much outside and you forgot our young miss? What will I do then? What if I was the one to go with you, young miss? I don't..." Shen Ta didn't got a chance to finish her dialogue when Shen Yan pats her hands reassuringly.

"Don't worry, we will be back after a few hours, okay?! Now we're going to go or else we will be back much later. Remember, just say I want to rest of someone visits me." Shen Yan look at herself in the copper mirror one last time before she said, "Let's now get going, Shen Qui."

"Yes, miss. We will be back soon, jie jie."

Shen Ra sighs to herself knowing that she have nothing else to do but to watch her beloved young miss go away while disguising as a man. As much as she want to go with them, she doesn't have a choice since someone needs to b here to guard her chamber lest they discover her young miss is missing and report it to the madam. It will be more scary.


Finally out of the manor, Shen Yan let her maid, Shen Qui lead he to the market. Since Shen Yan rarely go out of the manor, she didn't even know where the most popular streets are. So she doesn't have a choice but to have someone lead her there.

"Young miss, why do we need to go to the most popular street? I thought you want to buy slaves? Why don't we just go directly there?"

"Why not? I also want to see what that popular street looks like."

If she goes straight to the black market, wouldn't it stop her from her plan to experience the feeling of strolling in an ancient street?


Why did this feeling start? The feeling that my young miss change? If its good or not, I just hope for my young miss to be happy~~


Jam's Note:
My god😱😱 I finally updated. Sorry for my disappearance for this past month.

Sorry ╮(─▽─)╭ Hope you forgive me.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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