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Jam's Note:

Sorry if it takes time. I hope you understand😝😝



Since the little hut is across the lake, Shen Yan didn't have a choice but to swim just to reach it.

But as she's swimming at the lake, something happened. Her body started reeking black substances that's got mixed up to the water but it's also immediately vanished like it's never in there.

Seeing it and remembering some details in the old man's memories that those substance is an impurities of the bodies and it's beneficial to a cultivator to have a pure meridians, Shen Yan stay at the lake more.

From the memories, every cultivators have impurities in their bodies. It's from the foods every cultivator eats. But cleansing the meridians by those impurities are much more harder than getting those impurities. Well, if you have a Cleansing Pill, those impurities will not give you a head ache.

But a Cleansing Pill is worth of millions of golds. Not every cultivator can afford it. But it's also a rare commodity. Not every alchemist had a pill recipe for Cleansing Pill. So technically nobles, royals, sects or every one who had money or a pill recipe can afford that.

So now that she had a way to purge those impurities without taking a Cleansing Pill, Shen Yan won't let this chance pass.

While waiting to finish it, Shen Yan also decided to start cultivating.

The name of the world where the goddess put her is the Yilin Continent where consist mostly consisted of people who have a chances cultivates. The Yilin Continent have two countries named as Moon Empire and Sun Empire. Each empire have five kingdoms under them.

The kingdom she is in is called Western Phoenix Kingdom. The most weak kingdom under the Moon Empire. One of the place where the spiritual qi is scarce and thin. So every year, countless parents prayed to send they're child outside to grow. But not everyone have the chance.

But once a person in a kingdom got to go in on one of the sects, the kingdom will support that person along the way. In exchange of it's help when the kingdom is in danger.

Cultivators got tested when they're turn five. Every year, the kingdom have an event where every children that comes to age, even commoners, are testing if they can cultivate. 

Cultivation are a process of absorbing spiritual qi in the surroundings. Every people in her new world will cultivate or meditate to absorb those spiritual qi and guiding it to their dantian to be spiritual essence. 

There are 15 realms in cultivation namely:

Qi Gathering Realm - 9 Levels
Profound Realm - 12 Levels
Core Realm - 12 Levels 
Mortal Realm - 12 Levels
Earth Realm - 12 Levels 
Mystic Realm - 12 Levels
Sky Realm - 12 Levels
Nascent Soul Realm - 12 Levels
Heavenly Realm - 12 Levels
Sage Realm - 12 Levels
Ancient Sage Realm - 12 Levels
Celestial Realm - 12 Levels
Saint Realm 
Immortal Realm 
Ascension to Godhood

Every breakthrough to another level will be hard. Specially when the spiritual qi outside is scarce, thin and full of impurities. Not everybody can reach higher realms.

Since the goddess gave her a new and high grade spiritual roots, Shen Yan cultivates like she's drinking water.

What takes everyone in her age as they cultivate for months, Shen Yan get it on really short amount of time. By 10 long hours passed, countless sounds was heard.




Just a short amount of time cultivating, Shen Yan becomes a Profound Qi 1st rank cultivator instantly. What takes any normal cultivator to achieve years of cultivating, Shen Yan achieved it for 10 hours instead.

If it's not a monster then don't know what will she be called then. But as they said, ignorance is a bliss. Since she didn't know it, she didn't know that if someone knows her speed in cultivation, she will be labelled as monster. But as per her ignorance, Shen Yan still not satisfied as her results. Nevertheless, she still compromise.

Nevermind, I will just cultivate much more faster next time. But now, I have to cross this lake first to know what's inside that hut~~~

Continuing her swim, Shen Yan soon arrived at the other part of the lake. Just a few steps away from the said hut.

Opening the door, it produce a crackling sound indicating that it used a long time ago.

The hut is much more bigger than when you look at it outside. Also, even though the hut got used long time ago, there are not so many dust. Thus, Shen Yan come inside without coughing so hard.

What welcomed her is a simple living house. There's a table where you can have you tea leisurely. A cabinet and bookshelves. Beside the book shelves is a doorway where it lead to a hallway.

There's 10 doors where she can't open all. The doors she can open lead to a room for medicine, a bedroom, library and a training room.


A hut that have a large space. If she didn't know that she's now in another world, she will be shocked silly by her discoveries. But since an impossible thing happened to her once, she's not that country bumpkin who always open her mouth where an egg can be fit because of a normal thing in this world.

Recovering from her silly expression, Ming Yan continued to explore this incredible hut.

But by the time she finished it, hours had already passed.

"This hut is really incredible. Not only the hut have an enormous space inside which is not obvious when you look at it outside, it also have a special room for training not included the training room. A garden just at the back yard and a well. I'm really wondering how someone do this kind of little world. I also want to make one." Ming Yan talked to her self while sitting at one of the wood chair at the living room.

She wants to stay here some more but she remembered that she still have some things left outside.

She also wants to meet her new parents.

So after checking her appearance, she willed to be back to her room outside.


Just a will and she's back at the room she first saw when she got transferred here by that goddess.

She look outside to see couples of maids wearing green and yellow dress with simple design busy doing chores or in groups talking in a hushed tones.

It seems like she really doesn't have a choice but to continue forward. Continue the life given to her by the same goddess who also takes her life.

Hayy~~~ I just hope this life will be an exciting one so this chance will not be in vain~~

Parallel World: The Fairy's Second Chance [Parallel World Series # 2]Where stories live. Discover now