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Jam's Note:
After the long wait, I finally updated.

Please forgive me for the long time you wait for the update.

Hope you enjoy reading.

God bless😁😁


Feeling pain all over her body, Ming Yan open her eyes hastily to see what's the reason for her aching body just to be dumbfounded. The scene greeted her eyes is the beautiful azure skies with birds flying freely. She also smelled a fragrance of flowers and the smell of earth. It's so refreshing.

But what confused her is why she's sleeping in an open field without a care of other things?

That's triggered her to remember the last scene before she died. The embarrassing but sweet moment with a handsome like a god guy that makes her face down to her neck and even her ears blushed.

Why would I say that😨😨? Why would I also enjoy the feeling of staying in his arms and wishing to stop the time for me to stay in his embrace for more? And of all why, why would I let myself agree to what nonsense he said and be with him the last moment before I die? Aaarrrgggghhh😤😤!!! It's really embarrassing, ah!

As she's remembering about the last embarrassing moment of her life, a sudden voice jolted her to reality.

"It's good your awake now."

The voice is a feminine and gentle but because Ming Yan can't see anyone who can speak to her, she thought it's a ghost and shivered.

"Of course I'm not a ghost!!"

Ming Yan didn't know but hearing the voice answered what she's thinking, she got more scared and if she can, she will pee in her pants right now. But because of her circumstances and it'd also bring her disgrace, she suddenly change her mind.

"Who the h*ll are you? And how did you know what's on my mind?" Even though scared, Ming Yan still question the voice.

"Haha, don't be scared. Also can you please refrain yourself from cussing?! Your in my domain if you don't know."

Domain?! I'm in her domain?! Why I  can't understand?!

"What do you mean your domain?! Are you a goddess?"

Even though Ming Yan had an answer on her mind, she still can't herself from asking.

"Hmmm... Maybe you can call me that. Yes, I'm a goddess."

"Then, why can't you show yourself?!"

"Why are you so impatient, little one?"

Starting to feeling irritated getting called 'little one', Ming Yan suddenly saw someone appeared in front of her.

The woman is wearing a white flowing dress with a flower crown. Her black hair swaying gently even though there's no air. Her appearance brought warmth in every people who will see her.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the goddess who's talking to you awhile ago."

Shocked by the appearance of the voice, Ming Yan ask her a question hesitatingly: "Then if your the goddess I'm talking to awhile ago, I just want to ask- What am I doing here?! I should be in heaven or hell, right?!"

Hearing the fired question, the goddess fiddled the hem of her dress and answered: "We..well, actually, since you died because of my mistake, I want to compensate you. Thus, I secretly get your soul to transfer here in my domain."

"Oh.. it's like that--- wait?! WHAT?! I DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR MISTAKE?! What do you mean by saying that?! Can you explain?!"

Fidgeting because of the woman's cold stare directed to her, the goddess feel the temperature around her drop by drastically. Putting up a strong front, "We..well, it's like this. I was experimenting that time. I disguise as one of the people in your team as I want to feel being an elite agent when I saw a bomb. I don't know but maybe devils are at work that time and I pulled the pin and throw the bomb where you are. I just didn't expect for than man to pull you with him and jump, so I have no choice. Don't worry, I stopped the bomb from exploding in time."

Feeling stifled, Ming Yan cast a cold glare at the goddess in front. " So you mean, I and that man is just the two who's dead?!"

"If you say so, then yes!"

That's it.

Ming Yan shouted angrily at her...


"I'm really sorry...🙏🙏🙇🙇 *sob sob😭😭* I don't really wish that to happen but it already happened. Besides, that's why your here, right?! I will compensate you, really."

Since she's tired from all the shouting, Ming Yan lower her voice but still, it's cold. Like the owner of the voice is just come back straight from hell.

"Compensate? What will that compensation of yours will do? Resurrect my body to be alive again? Your boasting that compensation and if you say so plus the word sorry, I have to forgive you? What if I kill you because I want to feel what's the feeling of being a psychopath killer who just kill without reason? Do you think you can stay calm after hearing the reason behind your death?"

Sweating cold because of her scary and cold voice, the goddess answered rather truthfully: "No!" But she quickly add: "Bu..but we're not talking about you having a killing spree right?! Please forgive me🙇🙇 I really want to compensate you." The goddess look at Ming Yan carefully to see her reaction. She doesn't want to hear her scary voice ever again. It made her want to pee, okay!

Counting numbers in her head to calm down, Ming Yan soon calm down.

"Then if you really want to compensate me, what is your plan?!"

Feeling grateful for the pardon, the goddess immediately talk about her plan.

"It's like this... blah blah... So that's it."

"So meaning, you will let me choose what kind of world do I want to get transmigrated or reborn? Then if it's happen that you have a kind of world that I want, you will transmigrate or reborn me to that world with your gift? Right?!"

"*Nodding* Right!"

"Then do you have a list for me to see what kind of interesting world?"

Feeling smug because the scary woman finally let loose, the goddess started speaking.

"I have modern world, ancient world, apocalypse world, galactic world, and even cultiva---" The goddess didn't have time to finish her words when the cold Ming Yan interrupted.

"Then I want to go CULTIVATION WORLD."

I know your excited to go to your next world but why you must interrupt me?! RESPECT, AH! I'M STILL A GODDESS.

Not showing the dialogue happened inside her head, the goddess snap her finger, "Then cultivation world it is."
And cut!!!!

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Parallel World: The Fairy's Second Chance [Parallel World Series # 2]Where stories live. Discover now