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Checking the memories, Ming Yan found that the body she's occupying now have the same name as her though the surname are not.

Her new body's name is Shen Yan. The loved and doted youngest daughter of Duke Shen. Shen Yan have four elder brothers and one elder sister.

Even though she's didn't have the same mother with her older three brothers, they still doted on her like a full blood younger sister. Her family love and pampering her heavily.

Her father, Duke Shen, Shen Zhen is the sworn brother of the emperor. Her mother is the younger sister of the empress. Even her five older siblings have a great person backing them. She's also a second rank princess with land with a title of Princess Yue.

Just this fact alone made some people jealous of her. And if you also add her, Shen Yan, being a trash. No spiritual roots, a normal person. Everyone in Ming are jealous of her. So to vent, some people spread rumors about her.

A trash with a second rank princess title is a person with hideous face. A face that's so scary. That if you see it, you will lose an appetite to eat or worse you will have nightmares.

But Shen Yan, being a sheltered and pampered young miss, Shen Yan let everyone spread rumors about her. Besides, so what? Those people she cared about, they all know the truth. So why bother yourself for those insignificant people. You will just waste your time and saliva.

So, Shen Yan's reputation outside are so horrible. But still, Shen Yan live her life idle and carefree.

Knowing that someone had a vicious mind that wants to ruin Shen Yan, being the new owner who possess the body of Shen Yan, Ming Yan didn't know what to feel. But anyways, since the original Shen Yan doesn't have a care for those rumors. What more her, Ming Yan.

Let them gossip things they want. While they're busy spreading rumors to taint the reputation of someone else, she will do her thing instead.

Since she done analyzing, understanding and remembering those memories of Shen Yan, Ming Yan proceed to look at the old man's memories.

Based on the memories, the old man lived through four lifetimes with hundreds of years each. In each lifetime, the old man had different profession and background.

The goddess give her the old man's memories about things on those different profession. Besides that, there's none.

She didn't even know who's the old man is in his third lifetime or second. All she know is the old man's knowledge for that specific profession.

But Ming Yan is still happy because  she didn't have to study again just to learn a profession that she wants.

After she finished breakfast, Ming Yan dismiss all the servants around her for her to rest and also to see what the goddess gift to her.

Driving her consciousness to the ring, Ming Yan saw countless little mountains made of numerous things. She look at it and it made her happy.  She's happy because she didn't need to find money to buy the herbs or cores she needed to learn alchemy and weaponry because the goddess gift her numerous herbs and cores.

The things inside the ring consist of herbs, pills, weapons, cores, ores and spiritual stones. There are also seeds of fruits, vegetables, flowers and even for poisonous plants.

Numerous types of silks and brocades, furs to make a fur coat, needles for embroidery, thread for embroidery and acupuncture needles.

There are also thousands of books about cultivation manuals, martial techniques and books for each profession. Even though she not need it, she's still happy to have those.

Ming Yan's still feeling happy about the gifts when she saw a letter. A letter from the goddess with jade plaque containing a cultivation manual and martial techniques suitable by the spiritual root she gave.

Dropping a blood for each plaque, all the information inside the plaque transferred to her brain. While the plaque turn into a dust. Some cultivators did it so no one can know their martial techniques. Well if you own a jade plaque, that is.

Since she knows that this world is ruled by strength, Ming Yan decided to be strong. Strong enough to protect the people she cared for. Even if she needs to be cold and cruel, she will do it unhesitatingly just to protect them. No one's allowed to bully her people.

So to have a say in this world, she needs strength and power. She already had a background to back it up.

All she just need is people. A loyal people who will serve her even if it's cost their lives.

But before she do that, just like the protagonist in those novels, she needs to have strength first before she can develop loyal and strong subordinates.

So after she made a mental plan,  Shen Yan decided to start cultivating. Sitting on top of her bed like she's meditating, Shen Yan start.

But as she's gathering those tiny particles slash spiritual qi in the air, She Yan felt her surroundings suddenly changed. It looks like the spiritual qi around her becomes rich, denser and also purer.

Confused, Shen Yan opened her eyes just to be greeted by an unfamiliar place. She was once sitting on top of her bed but now she's sitting in the ground, just few steps away from a lake.

Even though confused as to where she was and what the heck happened, Shen Yan stand up and walk towards the lake.

Soon, Shen Yan stood beside the lake and she saw her new body's reflection. A lake's surface reflected an oval face with a white as snow and unblemished skin. It's also smooth like a new peeled hard boiled egg.

A perfect arc eyebrows, like a butterfly wings eye lashes, black shiny obsidian round eyes that can suck everyone's soul. A cute button nose and a red like blood lips. Just a glance and it will take your breath away.

Who says this beauty is a second rank princess with a hideous face. If this beauty is an ugly for you, then what will you call your face? Hah! Gossips. Just a simple sentence can ruin people but it can also bring glory. Just to see is to believe~~

It's Ming Yan's second time to see Shen Yan's beautiful face. But still, she's breathless every time.

As she's staring at her own face's reflection when she heard the voice of a certain goddess.

"Long time no see, girl."

"What long time no see? I just saw you this morning."

"Ah, right. Any way, I'm not going to stay long so I will say it directly. Besides, it looks like you discovered it already. I forgot to tell you a while ago that I also give you the old man's soul space.

It have many things inside but don't worry, I didn't get any. It can also be called as the old man's compensation to you. Anyway,  as I've said earlier, that's a soul space.

A day outside is equivalent to 10 days inside. Also the spiritual qi inside are 10 times more denser and purer than outside so it's suitable place for you to cultivate. Plus, the old man left many things than can helpful to you since your that space's new owner.

Just make sure that no other soul will know that you had a soul space even if it's your parents. Or else, everyone in that world will hunt you down and kill you just for them to get it. Remember, greed can make people go blind.

My time is up but before that I'll tell you how to go out. Just focus and think that your outside. Remember my words, okay?! Bye!!"

After the goddess is gone, Shen Yan look around the space and she see a little hut just couple of steps away. But it's a cross the lake. With no other choice, Shen Yan cross the lake by swimming.


Jam's Note:

Here's another chapter. By the way, thank you for supporting this story. I highly appreciated it. It makes my heart race jist thinking that my story got noticed by someone. I love the feeling of it. Thank you very much.

Don't forget to leave a vote and comment. I'll highly appreciate it. thanks

Thank you and god bless:)

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