*inspired by true events*
Alexandria Marshall was an ordinary aristocratic girl living an ordinary aristocratic life. Alexandria Marshall was a rose. When Ashton Reed - rich, pompous, condescending heartthrob of Redwood High - takes interest in her...
Alex frowned. This 'deep breaths' method her mother taught her wasn't working. She tried to focus on something else- her hair. She tried fixing her dark fawn hair into a cute 'messy' bun. It had been her fifth attempt- all resulting in embarrassingly horrible, failed outcomes. With a frustrated sigh, she brushed through her hair one last time before fumbling to keep her books in her brand new schoolbag.
Her checkered red and black skirt grazed her knee. Alex's brand new sheer black tights were bound to get a few runs within the week. Her black blazer had a red outline and was paired with a maroon tie. The school logo, an image of a red sun, was embroidered on the left side of the blazer.
Knock, knock, knock.
"Miss Alex, breakfast is ready. Your mother and father are waiting for you," Marie said. Marie had been their housekeeper ever since Alex was a baby. Now, she was like family to Alex.
Alex replied hastily, "Uh yes, Marie. Tell them to start without me. I'll be down in a minute."
She heard Marie chuckle and enter her room, "Alex, you should go eat. I'll pack up for you."
Alex gave her a kiss on the forehead and said, "Thank you Marie, but I don't want to trouble you. Besides, I don't really feel like talking to Mom and Dad this morning. I'm afraid they might offer to drop me to school on my first day and later plan a barbecue with the principal this weekend. It's better if I go alone and a little early."
Marie tsked and said, "At least eat something before you go." But before Marie could get a response, Alex was sprinting down the stairs, across the front yard and into her sleek black Tesla, driving down the road. Shaking her head, Marie proceeded to clean up Alex's messy room.
She felt butterflies erupt in her stomach; fluttering faster the closer she got to her new school. Soon the red mascot of the school came into view. She heard the students' lively chatter before she saw them.
She parked her car and tightened her grasp around the steering wheel. She wanted to stay in the car a little longer; safe and comfortable under the privacy of her tinted windows. Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat as deafening school bell rang through the school compound.
Reluctantly, she got out of her car. Straightening out her skirt, she smoothened the rest of her school uniform. As she walked up the stairway to the big gates of the school entrance, she received questioning ogles from her new schoolmates. She grimaced when a fourteen year old freshman, red-haired and acne covered, whistled at her.
Before she could react, she heard a deep voice say, "Watch it, weasel."
She turned her head around to see the source of the voice. His voice was soft and low, but still strong enough to sent chills down your body. She felt a 6-foot-something build tower over her. She was greeted by a boy, scratch that, a Greek god with eyes the color of the softest yet fiercest blue-green.
"Thanks," Alex mumbled shyly.
"No problem," he said, "So, you're new? I hadn't seen your pretty face until today."
"Oh, haha," Alex smiled nervously, "Yeah, it's my first day here."
"Ashton Reed," he introduced himself.
"Just call me-" she opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by another deep voice, "Alexandria?"
She turned around to the source of the sound and was greeted with a beautiful boy. His platinum blonde hair soaked in the sunlight and seemed luminous and his eyes were as blue as the sky. Before she could reply, Ashton nodded, "Mason, you good?"
"Last night was crazy. I could use some sleep, man," he ran his fingers through his hair and turned towards Alex, "You're Alexandria Marshall right? The new girl? I'm supposed to show you around first period."
"Uh, yeah, that's me," Alex replied.
"I'll show her around first period. You go rest," Ashton said.
How sweet. Alex thought.
"Ugh, thanks man but don't you have class first period?" Mason asked.
"Don't worry about it. Just go," Ashton persisted. Mason nodded and left.
"M'lady," Ashton put his hand out. Giggling, Alex accepted and followed him into the building.
The first chapter of my very first Wattpad book is up!
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