*inspired by true events*
Alexandria Marshall was an ordinary aristocratic girl living an ordinary aristocratic life. Alexandria Marshall was a rose. When Ashton Reed - rich, pompous, condescending heartthrob of Redwood High - takes interest in her...
Alex could barely walk. The backpack that slung over her shoulders felt like it carried rocks rather than books. Huffing and puffing, Alex slowly walked towards her car. The parking lot felt as vast as a desert, but with a bunch of Mercedes, Teslas and Lamborghinis.
"Didn't Ashton tell you we have lockers?" a voice popped up next to Alex. Alex jumped up in fright.
"People have to stop doing that!" Alex exclaimed. She looked at the person next to her. A boy with brown hair, grey eyes and honey-colored skin was smiling waggishly at her.
"Oh, come on Alexandria," said the boy, "Don't you want friends in this new school?"
"How do you know my name?" Alex asked.
"I have my sources..." the boy smirked. Seeing Alex struggle with her backpack, the boy offered, "You need help with that?"
"How do I know you're not going to run off with my new backpack?" Alex said suspiciously.
"What is that? A Chanel bag? I could afford a thousand of those," the boy shrugged.
"Who are you again?" Alex asked with humor dancing around her words.
"Theodore McAllister," he said chuckling.
"What's so funny?" Alex had a quizzical expression plastered over her face.
"It's just that usually most people already know me," Theodore grinned.
Alex rolled her eyes, "Of course they do."
"Where do you live?" Theodore asked.
"Wow, no foreplay, no nothing?" Alex joked, "How romantic."
"We can do that too, since you're begging for it," Theodore nudged Alex flirtatiously. Alex took a sideway step away from Theodore.
"I could drop you home," Theodore said.
"I can drive," Alex stopped and gestured towards her Tesla, "So can my car."
"Nice ride," Theodore said, "mind if I hop in for a sec?"
"Can't you afford a thousand of these too?" Alex joked.
Theodore opened his mouth to answer but his phone rang, "Hello?"
His face fell and Theodore cursed, "Oh shit! I totally forgot about that. I'm on my way."
"I have a soccer meeting. Mason's mad at me again," Theodore groaned, "I'll get in that Tesla soon Alex!"
Alex watched him jog across the parking lot. Chuckling, she hopped in her car to drive home.
Alex buried her head on her hands and stared at the math equation before her. The numbers looked like an alien language. She looked out from her bedroom window. The garden was freshly cut; the sun was shining brightly and all the trees looked happy. Just then, she heard a sharp knock on her door.
"Alex, dear, I'm coming in," said Mrs. Marshall. Alex heard her mother open the double doors to her bedroom. Marilyn Marshall was a smart, serious and sophisticated woman. Her and her husband had taken charge of the small family business and made it into an empire.
Alex had inherited her lean figure, chocolate-brown hair and tan skin. Although Alex looked physically identical to her mother, she got her good-humored, charming and kind disposition from Mr. Marshall. While Alex's parents both loved their only daughter very much, because their blooming business and busy schedule, they got little time to spend with Alex.
Alex spun around in her chair to face her mother, "Hey, Mom."
Mrs. Marshall gave Alex a gentle peck on her forehead before getting seated on her bed, "I made you a little snack." Mrs. Marshall put a plate of fruits on her desk.
"A whole fruit salad? Where'd you find the time?" Alex said dramatically, popping a grape in her mouth.
"Alex, I know we haven't gotten much time to catch up with your new life in school. And I was thinking, we'd do all the catching up now," Mrs. Marshall said with a smile.
"Well... Mom, I don't think there's anything to catch up on really. I mean, it's only been a day" Alex started rambling.
Mrs. Marshall interrupted, "Alex, stop. I know you have had a hard time making friends at your new school and I know you sit alone-"
"Mom! I do have friends," Alex replied. Mrs. Marshall didn't reply but instead gave her a firm look.
"Fine. Okay. Maybe I don't have a million friends... how do you know anyway?" Alex asked.
"I've been talking to Mr. Callaghan and he's now friends with your father and I," Mrs. Marshall said, "In fact, I've invited him and a couple of your friends and their parents for dinner tomorrow night."
"I thought you said I didn't have any friends," Alex objected then a shadow of terror dawned on her face, "Mr. Callaghan? You don't mean Principal Callaghan do you?" Alex asked faintly, although she felt like she already knew the answer.
"Of course I mean Principle Callaghan! Him, his wife and his son; Mr. McKean and his son; Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester; Mr. and Mrs. Ferry and their daughters..." Mrs. Marshall started listing down the guest list.
"Mom! No, please don't do this! I can't... I..." Alex started, looking at her mother desperately. She felt a wave of anxiety sweep over her and before she knew it, tears were welling up in her eyes.
"Oh, stop it, Alexandria Marshall. You're too dramatic. I'm helping you make friends. You can't possibly expect me to un-invite everyone! I'm not going to let the thing that happened to you in your last school happen again. I can't." Mrs. Marshall stomped out of Alex's room. Alex felt her tears rush down her face as the sound of her mother's footsteps down the stairs faded.
Alex crawled into her bed sheets and wept. Why couldn't she have a conversation with her mother without breaking out into an argument with either of them crying? Why couldn't her mother just see her side of the story once in a while? Why couldn't she understand Alex?Abruptly, Alex felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to face her dad. His eyes looked sad and sympathetic.
"Why does she have to be like that?" Alex said in between her sobs. Her dad didn't say anything but run his fingers through her hair. She begged, "Please tell mother to call it off."
"Oh, honey, you know your mother. When she has made up her mind, she doesn't change it. You know I can't do anything. I'm sorry sweetheart," Mr. Marshall, "I promise it won't be as bad as you think. It's just one night."
Alex was grateful for her dad trying to soothe her. She put on a small smile for him and watched him leave her room. She let out a great sigh and decided to resume doing her math homework after a short snooze.
Hey guys! As you can see, the fourth chapter is up. What do you guys think about Theodore? And about the small but not so small get-together Alex's mom planned for Alex to make some new friends?
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Have a great day!
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