*inspired by true events*
Alexandria Marshall was an ordinary aristocratic girl living an ordinary aristocratic life. Alexandria Marshall was a rose. When Ashton Reed - rich, pompous, condescending heartthrob of Redwood High - takes interest in her...
Mr. Lawton droned on and on about some topic in Sociology. Despite being quite excellent and interested in sociology, Ashton couldn't seem to be able to concentrate. All he could think about was that girl he had met earlier.
Ashton let his eyes shut as he laid his head down on his desk, dreaming about her. Her hypnotizing beauty had left him star struck. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Theodore, "Hey, where were you first period?"
"Just showing my future girlfriend around school," Ashton replied smugly.
Theodore raised his eyebrows, "You do know that girlfriend equals to commitment and loyalty, right? Something you know very little about."
"Look who's talking, Mr. Fuckboy," Ashton sneered.
Theodore rolled his eyes, "So, who's the unlucky girl?"
"Alexandria Marshall," Ashton said, dreamily putting his head on his hands.
"Oh, the new girl."
"You know her?"
"I don't know her but I know almost everything about her. You wanna know? " Theodore cheekily smiles at him.
"Of course you know. Let me guess, the Ellas?" Ashton rolled his eyes.
"Dude, they're obsessed with you. I heard they have a fan club," Theodore watched Ashton smirk and said, "Stop flattering yourself."
"Okay, never mind about them. I found out that this is Alexandria's third school," Theodore continued.
"What?" Ashton frowned.
"Well, the Ellas told me she got kicked out of the first school 'cause she slept with half the seniors and she was spreading STDs. In the second school, I heard she had an affair with the math teacher so she'd get good grades."
"No way. That doesn't seem like Alex at all," Ashton knit his brows.
"Alex? You're nicknaming her already? " Theodore said, "You've known her for, like, less than an hour."
"Yeah, but I doubt she's done any of those. The Ellas are full of shit. I can't believe you're sourcing your information from those two girls."
"Well I'm not too sure about any of that but Redwood High is definitely her third school in two years."
"Mr. Reed and Mr. McAllister! Another word and you'll be seeing me after school in detention!" Mr. Lawton sternly interrupted the gossip between the boys.
Alex had almost double the amount of books once she left the head office than she initially had.
"Need a hand?" Mason asked.
Grateful for the offer, Alex managed to whisper, "Yes, please," through the books that almost hid her entire upper body. Mason took the books away from her.
"Let's see what class you have. Hand me your routine," said Mason. Alex shuffled through her bag and whipped out the white slip of paper.
"Well, you luckily missed your first period Economics with Mrs. Horne. She's a boring old crone."
Alex accidentally slipped out a snort, which made Mason chuckle, "Cute." Another shade of red crept up her cheeks and she looked directly ahead, avoiding eye contact.
"This is you," Mason said, stopping in front of a classroom. Alex extended her arms to carry the rest of her books from Mason.
"Oof," she sighed as the weight added to her arms.
"Careful there," Mason said.
"Oh, thanks," Alex forced a smile.
"Welcome to Redwood High, by the way," he smiled back, genuinely.
Alex blushed again and turned away hastily and juggled her books together as she trudged into class.
The lunch bell rang shrilly and reverberated across the marble walls. Students filtered out from their classrooms and filled up the hallways on their way to lunch. Amongst the sea of students the boys met up. Like Moses splitting the Red Sea, the students cleared path for the four hottest and smartest boys; Ashton Reed, Mason McKean, Colton Callaghan and Theodore McAllister.
"So, did you guys meet Ashton's new girlfriend?" Theodore said grudgingly.
"What girlfriend?" Mason said, puzzled.
"That new girl", Theodore replied.
"What new girl?" Colton Callaghan asked.
"You know, Colton, you'd think the principal's son would know what's going on in school," Ashton shook his head disapprovingly but grinned as Colton punched his arm.
"Or at least be in school," Theodore grinned.
"Yes but that would ruin my bad-boy notoriety, wouldn't it?" Colton smirked.
"What girlfriend?!" Mason repeated, louder but still puzzled.
"Alexandria Marshall is Ashton's new girlfriend," Theodore said. Mason's face didn't look anyless puzzled.
"She's not my girlfriend..." Ashton denied and added, a little more hushed, "...yet."
Hi guys, I uploaded the second chapter... obviously. I'm nervous- what do you guys think about Ashton?
Vote if you liked the book and Comment your thoughts, suggestions or just splurge your emotions! It's actually such a great help in terms of the direction of story and just generally encouraging. Share if you want to! Tell your wife, tell your son, tell you friends, tell your dog, your neighbor... unless you'd rather text them of course.
I hope you have a bright day ahead of you or a goodnight's sleep for all the night owls out there :)
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