
641 26 162


So........ yeah. Who ships this?

A lot of people do.

So, yeah. I've never been fond of this ship ever. Like e v e r . I cannot s t a n d it. See I even refused to find a picture.
Like... I even prefer J A M I L T O N over this and that's a F I R S T. 

Like... I just don't understand it???
I mean, how did it even come to be?
The two literally show together in one song the song in which Eacker fricken S H O O T S P H I L I P A T S E V E N-

I know how it's portrayed in the musical isn't really how it happened in irl, but yeah.

I just don't like it, a) because they were never friends, b) because I don't like George and I love Philip, and c) BECAUSE PHILODOSIA OVERTAKES BY A GRAND PERCENTAGE IN MY BOOK- (literally too, I gave it a 10\10)

Yeah, if you can ship two people, they w i l l be shipped, and like I always say, I will never hate you for shipping something I don't.

I feel as if I'm gonna be thrown shade at for this... but shit. I'm settling for 2/10.


Why? Please explain. 

Hamilton Ship Opinions By MehhWhere stories live. Discover now