♤Whamilton (@ me if you like)

471 22 53

This is more of a salty opinion, which, probably a lot of people will disagree with from what I've witnessed, but, thanks to -neverending_story-, I have found the courage to put it out there.

So. Apparently Whamilton is pedophilia and incest, am I right?

All I wanna say is, no. No it is not.

As we may all know, Washington is/was Hamilton's father figure.

I'll repeat that.

Father figure.

F I G U R E.

Being someone's father figure doesn't make them your father, but someone who guides you as a father would. A lot of people say "oh yeah incest Washington practically adopted him". But the thing is, he didn't adopt him. He simply stood in the place of Hamilton's absent father. Bare in mind, this was historically.

I've said it a million times, and I'll continue to reiterate: there's a difference between history and Fandom. The Hamilton Fandom can do whatever they want with the characters, and if you don't like it, leave it. Save for things like shipping the Schuyler Sisters, no, that's a completely different story.

Now, Whamilton is also pedophilia. Firstly, what's pedophilia? According to the Internet, pedophilia is the act of feeling sexually attracted to children.


Alexander Hamilton was not a child when he and George Washington became acquainted, so can we not make things what they aren't.

Perhaps it ties in with the belief that Hamilton was Washington's child, but we just discussed that.

I don't think I have to say much more.

If you don't like the ship, okay, that's absolutely fine. But please can we be real about these things.

And I'll say it one more time, there's a difference between historical and Fandom based.

Attack me if you please, but I think I've said enough. Apologies if I've come across as callous, blunt or rude, I'm just stating my opinion and I don't mean to offend anyone.

Thank ye, enjoy the rest of yer day (:

Hamilton Ship Opinions By MehhWhere stories live. Discover now