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Over the course of the next week Persephone and I setup the palace to accommodate twelve gods during the day, and spend our nights together.

Her presence beside me as I fall asleep does wonders to ease the nightmares, but there are still nights that they slip through. In those moments she wipes the tears from my face and tells me stories from the summers she spends with her mother.

On the sixth day I wake with the sheets sticking to my skin as the glow of an imitation moon filters through the room.

I look to the goddess sleeping peacefully beside me, glad I didn't wake her. I climb out of the bed, padding across the wooden floor with bare feet, carefully avoiding the creaking boards. I open the door swiftly and slip out.

I make my way to the room that has been acting as my bedroom for the last month, digging under the bed to pull out my bag. I find the folder at the bottom, seal broken. I sit back on my knees as I spread the papers out in front of me. I dig a pen out of the bottom of the bag, and begin rewriting.

Light cycles through the room, shifting from silver to gold, before the door opens

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Light cycles through the room, shifting from silver to gold, before the door opens. I don't need to turn to know it's Persephone.

"You didn't sleep."

I shake my head, focused.

She crosses the cold floor to sit beside me. She lays her head on my shoulder with a sigh as she surveys the mess before me.

 She lays her head on my shoulder with a sigh as she surveys the mess before me

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"What are you doing that takes priority over sleep?"

I snort, "There are countless things that take priority over sleep, especially now."

I finish drawing a line, connecting an elaborate maze of strategies. I set the pen down and turn to her, the smallest flame of hope burning in my chest. I wonder if she can see it in my eyes.

"I had a dream. Well, I'm not entirely sure it was a dream. A message of sorts, really."

Persephone doesn't lift her head from my shoulder, but hums in response.

I twirl one of her curls around my finger. "I got to speak to Lilliana."

This time she lifts her head, eyes wide. "I thought..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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