♪Day 2, meet Spanar, Shoichi ♪

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He smirk and answer "Kyouya. Hibari Kyouya. Remember that, carnivore."

'Hah? He didn't even asked for my name, and why did he called me carnivore? I don't ever eat people. Jeez, I can't never figure out what he thinking.' I just shrug it off.

I knock the door and slide it open. I apologize to the teacher for coming late. I just tell her that I lost while searching for the class.

Then, the teacher told me to introduce myself, after all I'm a transfer student.

Then, the teacher resume the lessons.

~Time skip, recess time~

The hectic times of the day. Questions time. As the transfer student, well, almost all my classmates gathered around my table, asking me questions.

"What is your hobby?" or "For you have boyfriend?" or "Your hair is beautiful, hoe you treat them?" kind of question that I received. I just reply those questions.

Suddenly, I notice something at the hallway. A familiar red head. curiosity got me best, I excuse myself from my classmates. Saying that I need to settle something. Then, I dashed outside the class.

I search that red head again. When I spotted him, I run towards him and called, "Sho-chan!"

Lucky me, he heard it and turn around in nick of time when I hug him.

Well he look kinda surprised when I suddenly hug him out of no where.

"Sho-chan, long time no see. I miss you. " I said as I let go of the hug n look at his eyes.

"Hikari-chan? Is that really you?" he ask with his eyes wide. After all, I can't blame him. We're friends since our childhood.

Then he introduced his friend. I didn't noticed him there.

"Hikari-chan, Spannar. Spannar, Hikari-chan. " Sho-chan introduce each of us. "Ne, Hikari-chan. Wanna having lunch with us? I have so many things to catch up with you."

"Sure, why not? Wait me. I gonna grab my lunch box." I dashed to class, which I can find without get lost, lucky, and take my lunch box, and meet up with them.

Sho-chan lead us to the rooftop. "Wao, this place is So peaceful."

"Haha, let's eat, Hikari-chan. I'm starving." He pat the seat besides him.

We eat and talk during lunch time. I'm also got to know that both of them aiming to be engineer. I know both of them have talent in it, especially Sho-chan.

Ever since we're child, he already show interest in machine. I'm still remember, when he try to repair the heater in my room. He did manage to repair it, after so many trials.

I still keep that heater, although it's no longer functioning.

The bell's ring snap me out from my thought. Then I remember something. "Nee, Sho-chan, Spannar, let's exchange phone numbers."

"Oh, OK. No problem." And So we exchange phone number.

"Hikari -chan, wanna walk with me, after school?" Sho-chan asked me.

"Sure, but I'm maybe late."

"Well, that's OK. I will waiting for you at the front gate."

"OK, bye." We split out, going back to our respective class room.

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