Chapter 2

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*Brielle's POV*

I looked up at our new English teacher Mr. Brian. He was very tall, he had light brown hair with green eyes. Perfectly plump lips and straight whight teeth. I must've been looking a longer than I was supposed to.

"Um excuse me young lady, is everything okay?" He looked at me and I breathed the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Yes Mr. Brian." I said looking at my hands and biting my lip. I was nervous and embarrassed.

After English class the day went by really fast. I did everything to avoid the English room. I also avoided seeing Ash because I knew she was gonna start talking about Mr. Brian. She was gonna start the plan of making him notice her, I also knew she was gonna be upset at me because I took his attention today. And honestly I'm happy I did, for once, a guy noticed me. Me. Not her. Me.

I made it home without seeing Mr. Brian again or Ash.

"Hey! Are you home mom?" I yelled walking into the door. No response. I guess she's not here.

*a week later*
The first week of school has been good. Ash told me that she wanted Mr. Brian's attention and that I shouldn't invade in her plans. In Mr. Brian's class Ash has been doing everything. To wearing low cut shirts, dropping her pencil and picking it up by bending over in front of him. To me she's acting like a slut but if she wants to be like that, as her bestfriend I will support her I guess.

"Brie you ok?" Ash said to me while pulling her v-cut shirt down enough to see her boobs. We were sitting her car ready for the first bell to ring to go to English.

"Yes I'm good." I smiled at her, she didn't notice. Once she gets started on getting a guys attention she totally forgets about me.

"Good because I need you to help me impress Mr. Brian today. He asks a question I want the answer, and I know you will know the answer. So when he asks tell me and I'll answer. Okay?" She said putting red lipstick on. I rolled my eyes and nodded my head yes.

The bell rang and we headed to first. When we got in there I started to go sit in the back but Ash stopped me, said no and pointed to the seat behind her.

"I want you to be able to tell me the answers." She said winking at me.

"Okay." I looked down and bit my lip. I wait down right behind her and started getting ready for the class.

"Okay class! Let's begin." He called the role. "We're gonna go over questions today to get you ready for a vocabulary quiz tomorrow."

Ash turned around and said I told you. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay first word! Askance! Can someone tell me what Askance means?" He said slow so we could hear the word. His lips are so perfectly shaped and pink.

Ash turned her head and said "What is it Brie?!" I whispered her the answer. I don't know why I'm helping her. I want his attention but I'm helping her because I know he'd never go for me. He'd want someone hot like Ash. Not nerdy like me.

Ash raised her hand and he called her.

"Askance is with suspicion, distrust, or disapproval." She batted her eyes and twisted her hair.

"Yes Miss Fine. You are correct. Good job." He said not even looking at her. I felt bad because that's all she really wanted, was for him to look at her, speak to her. But he hardly did that.

After about three words of Ash answering he said "Does anyone else know the answers besides Miss Fine?"

"Fourth word! Decimate!" I told Ash the answer and she raised her hand but he didn't call on her. I looked down at my hands biting my lip.

"Miss May? Do you know the answer?" I suddenly looked up with wide eyes. I could feel my face getting hot.

"I-I y-yes sir. T-the answer I-is to kill or d-destroy a l-large p-p-part of." I coughed and I was pretty sure my face was redder than a tomato. I looked back down at my hands biting my lip.

"Yes ma'am that is correct." He smiles looking down. I was confused. He didn't do that when Ash answered, he didn't even look at her.

"That is all for today. For the rest of the class period I suggest you all study." He looked at me and then turned around and sat down on his desk.

Ash turned around and whispered "what the fuck was that? I answer most of the questions he doesn't even look at me but he calls on you and he smiles. You're supposed to be helping me get his attention. Not or you. For me. You need to go find a nerd or something to get your attention." I was used to this. She thought I was always fighting for every guys attention that she wanted. But that wasn't true. I've never tried to be better than her for any guy.

Ash got up and walked to Mr. Brian's desk. Putting her hands on his desk and leaning over so he could get a perfectly good view of her boobs. I sat back in my chair and rolled my eyes. She's unbelievable.

I was sitting in the second row to the front right beside his desk so I saw and heard everything.

"Mr. Brian I'm having a little trouble with the words could might tutor me and help me out." He looked at her then looked down a little bit.

"I think you have the words pretty good. You don't need help as far as I can see." He said to her looking at her face.

Then he leaned up to whisper in her ear. "You might wanna cover up. It's unlady like to be walking around like that. It isn't cute." She stood up and walked back to her seat and huffed. She was pissed.

I hope you like this chapter. Next chapter is gonna be. Well surprising lol. Thank you for reading.

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