Alone again

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Midoriya's POV..

Midoriya looked at the empty spot where Todoroki was, feeling a little hurt and empty. This wasn't a new feeling, this feeling started to happen after his mother was killed, he tried to ignore it most of the time but it made it worse. "He'll be back...if it was important then that's ok.." Midoriya whispered, it was almost turning night, did they really talk for that long? It only felt like a few minutes, not hours. Midoriya went underwater and swam to his little cozy home. "Hey Midoriya!" A familiar voice said, he turned around to see one of bakugo's friends, Kaminari. The yellow haired boy waved, smiling. "Ah, hey. What's up?" Midoriya asked, looking at him. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with us you know, bakugo, Sero, and Ashido." Midoriya thought for a second but shook his head No. "Its getting late, I should head home." He replied in a soft tone. Kaminari nodded and swam off. Midoriya sighed a little and swam home, where he immediately went to bed.

Flashback....around 5 years old

Midoriya stayed by his mother's side as she went to do some things. "Ready to go home now my sweet boy?" His mother, inko, said, smiling brightly. The green haired boy nodded slightly, clinging on her tightly. Midoriya was a shy boy with not really have a high chance of making friends. His only friend was kacchan bakugo, a spiky blond hair boy who had a nasty temper. And surprisingly Midoriya became good friends with him. But bakugo couldn't play, he got sick and had to stay inside. Inko smiled more and grabbed her son and held him, tickling him. "HAHAHAHAHAH! MOMMA STOOOOP! THAT, HAHA HAHA! TICKLEEEES." The boy said, laughing. "Aw but I thought you liked tickles!" His mother teased. "But it huuurts." The boy whined, it was true he liked tickles but if he was tickled too much, he would have trouble breathing and his stomach would ache. "Oh alright." The mother sighed, pretending to be hurt. "You wanna play when we get home?" She asked her son, his eyes beamed and he nodded. "Yes! Yes! I wanna play!" He excitedly said. "Ok! Let's go home now."

Todoroki's POV...

Todoroki ran as fast as he could to the hospital, not saying "excuse me" or "sorry." His only thought was..

What the hell happened?

He soon made it to the hospital and ran to the counter nurse, panting. "I'm here to see my mother." He said to the lady. The lady had long, black hair with bright green eyes, freckles all over her face, she looked like she was in her early 20's. "Woah Woah slow down! What's her name darlin'?" The lady asked him. "Her name is Rei Todoroki." He quickly replied, feeling more desperate. "Ok hold on...Rei Todoroki Rei Todoroki..." she mumbled as she put the name in the computer. "Ah there we go she's on floor 365, the top floor--" He ran after she said the room number, not wanting to wait anymore to see his mother. 'Room 365 room 365.' He said over and over again so he wouldn't forget. He got on the elevator and pushed number 5- the highest floor.

He got out of the evaluator and looked around for the rooms, asking where was it a few times. And then he found it, room 365. The door seemed to look over him, like it was a giant, taller than him..He had a weird feeling that was on his chest that made it hard to breathe, he felt like running away. Was this...was this...


He hadn't felt fear since he was little, but this feeling was different..much worse. 'Stop thinking about it Todoroki, your mother is in there and she needs you.' He thought to himself. He took a deep breath in and opened the door, there he saw his farther there, endeavor. But no one else, besides....He looked at the bed and saw his mother. She looked much worse the last time he saw her. Her cheeks hallow, her lips cracked and made him feel sick to his stomach. "Hey mother..." Todoroki whispered. The white haired lady looked up, she smiled a bit. "Ah...I'm so glad you made it. Your siblings had to go..." she muttered, coughing a little. Endeavor got up and put his hands on Todoroki's shoulders, he looked like he was about to hit him...but not in front of his wife. "Where the hell where you?" He hissed, whispering. "I" Todoroki lied. He couldn't tell he was hanging out with a merman. His farther would think he was mad. Just like his mother. "Still, why didn't you answer--" "oh just leave my son alone. Besides, don't you have somewhere to go?" Rei hissed a little at Endeavour. He hesitated but nodded. "Yes I must go now." The older man said, and like that he was gone.

"Now will my son come sit by me?" His mother teased. "Oh right, sorry." Todoroki said, sitting beside his mother. "Dont apologize I was teasing you." She said, smiling a little. Todoroki smiled back a little, feeling the fear slowly disappear. But then he frowned. "Mother, what on earth happened?" He asked her, worry in his voice. "Ah, that. I just fainted that's all..nothing to worry about my boy." She said. There was silence in the air until his mother said "are you still reading about mermaids?" Wait--what--I mean recently yeah..." He trailed off, looking at her. "Oh I'm so happy to hear that." She continued on. "I wanted to give you this for your birthday but I couldn't. This is your birthday present to me to you." She sat up a little and United a string Todoroki had just realized, then there was a scale...a dark green scale that reminded him of deku's scale.."Where..Where did you get this?" He asked as she handed it to him. "Oh I don't know. " She said, chuckling sheepishly. Was she hiding something from him? Was this a secret that he never knew? "But if you really want to know it's from a friend. She was quite interesting. She had dark green hair and dark green eyes. Pale skin. She was quite pretty if you asked me. She had a son but she didn't really talk much about him, only that he was a sweet boy. Then....She diead due to a gun shot. Poor boy, never knew what happened to him." She sighed, but smiled a little. "Why did you want to know?"

•Dark green hair

•Dark green eyes

•Had a son

•Sweet Boy

Was this deku's mother?

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