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Rei's POV...8 years ago....

Rei hummed to herself a little, she was grocery shopping for things she needed to make dinner tonight. Tonight her husband was going out of town, hero stuff or whatever he said. Her older children were going with him as well, it made her a little heartbroken. They never hanged out with her, mostly at a friend's house or in their rooms, running away from the sounds of their poor little brothers crying and begging to stop....

But tonight it was just her and her youngest son, Shoto Todoroki. Her heart felt whole and she really smiled around him, when he wasn't training that is. He was a happy little boy, watching hero's in action, which made her smile. "Rei?" A familiar women's voice said. She whipped her head around and saw a short, plump dark green haired and green eyed lady, smiling sheepishly at her. She wore a comfy looking sweater and a knee-length skirt. "Ah Inko! What brings you here?" She said, winking at the last part. The small lady blushed and chuckled at the joke. "It's Midoriya's birthday soon and I wanted to get him something out of the box, not like the other things from the you know...ocean." She whispered at the last part. Although she looked like a normal human being, she was actually a half mermaid. Green markings on her when she was in the water which would glow from her emotions, she was quite beautiful in the water. "You haven't told him yet have you?" Rei's voice dropped, not wanting anyone to listen.

Inko shook her head No. "I just feel like it's not the right time yet, you know? And what if he's like his farther? Just stuck as a mermaid? How could I ever do that to my poor Midoriya? He would get his hopes up and then snap! Break his heart." Inko whispered, looking at the ground, letting out a sigh. "No no that's completely understandable. How about this, I'm almost done grocery shopping, you just ride in the car with me and we'll find him a gift. Deal?" Inko smiled brightly. "Alright. That's fine. I told Midoriya I would be gone for a couple of hours, so I asked  if Mitsuki could watch him for that period of time. She agreed." Inko replied, talking a little louder. Rei smiled. "Alrighty then. Come on." Rei said, seeing Inko getting beside her. 

They soon finished and got to the register and a lady looked at them and smiled, checking out Rei's food. Inko helped Rei put the groceries by the cashier then in the cart. As soon they payed for everything the lady blurted out. "You guys are such a good couple!" Inko turned bright red, while Rei's eyes turned wide. "O-oh n-no no n-no! We're not a couple...j-just friends." Inko stuttered, smiling sheepishly. Rei snapped out of thinking and nodded. "Yes. We're just friends." The girl put her blue-purple hair out of her face, regret on her face. "Oh! Im so sorry for assuming.!" The girl apologized. Inko nodded. "It's fine." After the girl saying sorry four more times they were off, going to a kid's store.

They looked around the shop, inko's eyes were huge, wide with a surprised look. "Never been here huh?" Rei asked, smiling a bit. Inko shook her head no. "I mean...I always thought..I never come in here, you know?" Inko mumbled, looking at her. "I see. Now," she continued, clapping her hands together. "What do you want to get him?" Rei finished, looking around. "Something plastic. Nothing soft, it'll just get wet." Inko stuck out her tongue, making Rei chuckle. Inko gasped which made Rei jump. "What is THAT?!" Inko asked excitedly, pointing at something. She looked at her direction and saw it.


"Oh, All might toys? Do you not know him?" Rei questioned, tilting her head. Inko shook her head. "Who is he?" Inko asked, walking towards them. "All Might is the #1 hero. He saves people, like my husband, you remember him right?" Rei asked. She didn't like to talk about her husband but Rei told Inko all her problems that Inko knew who her husband was. "Oh yes I remember. What a bright smile..." Inko picked one of the dolls and looked at it, looking at its features. It was plastic with no sounds, moves, nothing. Quite. "This is it." Inko said out loud. Rei tilted her head. "This is the gift you want to give Midoriya?" Inko turned to her and smiled. "Yeah. I know he'll love this."

Todoroki's Pov...

"W-why do I want to know..?" Todoroki said back. What should he say? Should he tell his mother everything or not? They were alone, for now anyways..He decided to play it safe and answers his mother's question. "Oh, it just reminded me of someone I know." He said. Rei smirked a little, winking. "Who's this friend of yours? Is it a boy?" Todoroki turned bright red but chuckled a little. "He's just a friend, nothing more." Todoroki said, for some reason saying that hurt him.
His mother nodded and let out a sigh, silence, again. Todoroki looked into his mother's eyes. All there was her faded gray eyes, no joy, happiness, nothing. His mother wasn't here anymore, there was a different person here, a withered shell. "Todoroki...I'm...I'm...I'm so sorry.." His mother sobbed. Todoroki tilted his head. "What for?" He asked. "Everything! The scar on your face...not stopping your farther...saying those awful things to you that night...I..I..wasn't in the right mind set..And look what I did to you, I hurt you, didn't I?" His mother sobbed more, putting her right hand on his scared face, making him flinch a little.

He took a deep breath in and exhaled, looking at her. "It's not your fault. It was a simple mistake you made. And if you interfered...I don't know what he would do to you. Mom, I forgive you." a tear fell down his face, he smiled a little, putting the necklace on the night stand by her. Her eyes were wide. She began to cry more and more, she gave her son a big hug and cried more in his arms.

"I love you so, so much my son."

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