It's Okay

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Shoto sat silently at the table poking at his dinner he couldn't help but notice the eerie since that filled the room that choked every single one of them. Shoto could've been done by now and gone seen deku, but instead he was here with horrible silence and a few coughs here and there. It was never like this, so..errie. It bugged him to the bone by now he would be fighting with his father and his brother stans up or leaves, or his sister talks about her day and so on, but tonight, tonight is different. He got up but his father talked in a cold hearted voice. "where are you going?" Shoto narrowed his eyes. 


"out where?"

"with a friend"

"who are they?"

'Why is he asking so many questions?' Shoto thought angrily but he didnt talk back, he just tapped his foot on the ground and answerd his fathers question. "Just with momo, we were going to study at her house for a test were taking in a week." He said, trying to sound cool and calm while looking at his father. He looked at shoto for a few minutes, and then spoke. "alright go on then before i change my mind." he mumbled, while picking up some food with his fork. He slightly nodded and threw his leftovers in the trash and ran out the door, shutting it behind him. He felt a sudden weight lift off of him, he stood up straighter, looking and feeling confident. He stood there for a moment, thinking, looking dazed. He snapped back and started to walk away from his home.

Time skip

He finally got to the lagoon and he looked around, his heart beating faster and faster. "Deku? Deky are you here?" He called out, feeling more dread with each minute passed without a answer. "Deku...?" He called out, in a more desperate voice. Then all of a sudden a head popped out, it was deku! Shoto felt his heart flutter when he saw him. "Im so sorry im late! I had to deal with something." Deku said, smiling sheepishly. Shoto smiled a little, walking closer to the water. "Its fine." He said, trying to sound calm when really he was scared. He wa sscared that deku was tired of seeing him.

"Hows your mom?" Deku asked, bring shoto back to reality. "She's good, just getting tired of staying in the hospital." Shoto trailed off, now sitting on the ground. "They looked at the record of the..."incident.."shoto said, trailing iff more. He told deku about the incident, deku always thought that she was startled, he remembered how deku asked him that one question.

"Do you remember what happened after that?"

Which really, he didn't remember what happened after that, he just remember waking up in a hospital and that was it.

"They think she isnt quilty what happened, they think it was out of fright. So there trying to get her out of the mental hospital.." He said, looking away. He heard deku gasp. He then felt getting pulled twords the water, startled, he looked at deku. But insted of going into the water he was still on land. Getting hugged. By Deku. He turned bright red, his mind was processing, he disnt know what to do, he was never really hugged, the only person who hugged him was his sister. He hesitantly lifted up his arms and then slowly hugged deku back. He felt a huge lump in his throat and he talked we would burst crying. Deku whispered in his ear, "Im so happy for you. Are you happy if she's coming home?" Shoto hesitated, his mouth was open, but then he felt hot tears staining his cheeks. He was crying. Why was he crying? He never cried over this stuff, he felt a lump in his stomach, why was he feeling like this? What was this feeling? Was this anxiety? He didnt understand it at all.

"I...i am happy..i miss my mom so, so much." He said, sniffing with each sentence. He broke the hug and whipped the tears away, he hated this, he disnt want to cry in front of deku, he felt like a burden, how could how deku deal with him? Didn't he get annoyed with him? Didn't he....

"hey it's okay to cry, it's okay shoto, it's okay..." Deku cooed. Shoto looked at him, his wide green eyes were filled with sympathy. He smiled a little "thank you know... i dont know what i would do without you." You would survive without me, i know it." Shoto thought for a moment, would he? "Well i--"


Oh shit.

Hello fellow readers! I just wanted to say thank you for 20.1k readers!! That's crazy! I never thought this book wpuld get that many readers but it did!! Thabk you all for your love and support you guys mean so much to me! Again i just want to say thank you

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