Butterfly kisses

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The cracking branches harmonized with the relaxing flow of nature'a noises, the water running down the street drain . He still thought about the altercation and his brain became fuzzy every time. To believe he naively thought he would get over it but even with the years he still trembled when the memories of the old days surfaced after a simple conflict like the one with Seth two days back.

They hadn't been working together yet that he had already caused trouble with a coworker.

Maybe that was why he could never keep a job long enough.

He passed the bottom apartment's front door without regards until halfway up the forged iron stairs he heard a booming crash coming from beneath.

He hesitated thinking if it really was his place to get involved but finally turned his heels and rushed down banging on the little girl's door worried she would be hurt. He knocked on the sapling door and even though no one answered before a few minutes he heard the reassuring movement that no one had died today. Besides a death would have lowered the already despicable value of the old cabin besomed by the elements but that's how he had come to like it.

The entrance finally opened on the girl in a men's shirt and disheveled hair.

"And poor dear me who thought the lady was hurt you seem to be having a very healthy time." He smiled, amused equally from his own worry now seeming meaningless than from the context of their current position.

"Well someone needs to keep this place alive and you have the enthusiasm of a very dead man," she declared as she opened fully her door and invited him in.

The rooms were picturesque, yellow roses covering cream walls like honey dripping down sweet vanilla. He felt uncomfortable being in such an intimate place, she was a passionate spirit, liberated and alate. It expressed in every part of her and her home felt like a cocoon built with small pieces of her stitched together waving proudly as the flag of her soul.

He was alien to this space hence that he  felt hesitant to simply come in even if she had told him to do so anyway. He was unfortunately under the obligation to get his shit together, so he took a step inside shutting the door behind him.

It was his first time visiting since when he had himself been looking for a new place but it now was in way better shape than probably ever since it's constructions eighty years ago.

"I only wanted to check if you were alright since I heard something crash, you really don't need to bother with me." He admitted even if he was a little curious with her taste in decoration

She glanced at him" I don't like seeing people on their own, it's a waste of ideas and knowledge..." almost all the mint leaves had diffused their freshening aroma into the boiling water before she concluded"...I'm already making tea anyway so will you stay to talk a bit?"

"Well now I am in the polite obligation to do so." He laughed

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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