Chapter 8 - Hallway

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He knew he was cutting it close. The sun was just about to rise but no one else was up yet. Virgil's doll lay finished in his hands. He would've delivered it sooner but at some point, he didn't recall when, he had passed out across Joy. Waking up to find he had lost hours of precious work time was not pleasing to find. His head was still cloudy with sleep, otherwise his rationality would be telling him to wait to deliver Virgil, when he knew he was 100% safe. But, after sleepily running a hand through his messy hair, he exited into the hall.

The sun rising in the quiet hallway was a peaceful sight. On one end, it was light and airy, where the "light sides" lived. On the other, it slowly darkened into the shadows, where the "dark sides" resided. Deceit and his room was planted firmly in the middle, where the light just began to fade. He took a deep shaky breath, shutting his eyes for a moment to hold himself together. He throat closed up for a moment, tears threatening to spill. He felt so so excruciatingly alone.

He's ok, it's ok. He just has to deliver the doll then he can go back to his room. He had Joy. He could talk to her. But first the doll.

Deceit walked down the hall slowly, careful to be as silent as possible. The wood floors reflected the sun's golden rays which creaked quietly with each step, enforcing fear into Deceits heart. He made it to Virgil's room, Fortunately the room closest to his. Well, it was. Logan's room had been slowly distancing itself from the others, almost passing Virgil's now. Deceit lingered in front of the door, holding the doll tightly, almost too tightly. He hesitantly went to put the door in place, only to have the door creak open.

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