Chapter 10 - Epilogue

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Deceit had to pinch himself each morning to make sure he wasn't dreaming. For the first two days, the other sides hardly let him leave the living area in fear he would break and try to lock himself away. They'd check on him, make sure he's happy or at the very least content.

After that, they'd find some way to drag him out of his room. Whether it was for breakfast or a movie, they'd find a reason to bring him out and create excuses for him to stay there. They were very insistent about food. Maybe they caught on to how little he ate during that period. They made sure he never missed a meal and always were persistent with snacks.

However, they still tiptoed around what happened for deceit to break down like he did for a long while.

"... what happened, if I may ask" Logan quietly inquired one night after requesting to enter deceits room. They both were sitting on Deceits mostly unused bed.

" what- oh..." it took a moment for him to realize what he meant, they had all done such a good job at blocking that horrible memory out. "They... they kicked me out."


"The dark sssides. They kicked me out because I helped Thomasss." He hissed out, looking down at his gloved hands. Logan blinked in surprise.

"They... oh, wow.... I don't know what to say..." Logan trailed off for a moment. "You must of felt very alone. N-not that I understand how feelings work or-"

"Logan, you are a terrible liar. And you are trying to lie to me. There wasn't a single way that was going to pass" Deceit looked up at Logan, raising an eyebrow. "I won't pry if you don't want me to."

"That's it! - Sorry, let me explain," Logan hastily changed the topic, "you're supposed to keep Thomas from lying to himself. And to us, by extension. We have been trying to figure out how to convince Thomas to keep you with us, although I personally don't think it will be hard, but the others are more worried" logan went on. Deceit tried to mask his excitement slightly.

"R-really?" His voice shook in excitement. Logan laughed the slightest bit.

"Of course"

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