Chapter 12

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Hey guys I'm back! :). Updating in school lol. I'd risk getting my phone taken away if it meant giving you guys another chapter :).


Well he did it, he won HOH. He didn't do it because he wanted the power, he did it for Frankie and their child. He knew he had to win the 500K and in order to do that he knew who he had to put up.

"Guys it's time for the nominations to be made." Zach announced to the other houseguests. They gathered around and waited for Zach to tell them who he's putting up. "I have nominated you Caleb and you Victoria. I know that since I have a child now I have to do everything I can to win the 500K and I feel like you Caleb will prevent me from doing that." Zach explained.

Caleb nodded understandingly and stood up to give Zach a hug.


Derrick had won the veto and now they were all sitting and waiting to see what he would choose. "Caleb, Victoria you both have the chance to sway my decision. Victoria you can start."

"Ok well I want to thank my family first and thank all of you guys. We made it to the final 5! That's all." Victoria sat back down.

"Ok Caleb your turn." Derrick said.

"Well what is there to say? Well thank you to all my family. And Derrick you and I are in an alliance, and I think that should be enough to keep me in here. Thank You." He finished.

Derrick nodded. "I have decided to not use the Veto. Sorry guys, this Veto Ceremony is adjourn." He closed the little chest for the Veto.



Derrick was first, he came in and sat down. "Hello Derrick. Who do you vote to evict?" Julie asked.

"I have to vote to evict Caleb." He answered.

Cody came in and sat down. "Hello Cody. Who do you vote to evict?" Julie asked.

"Hi Julie. I vote to evict Caleb." He said.

Julie popped up on the screen in the living room. "Hello houseguests. It's official, with two votes to evict, Caleb you are evicted from the Big Brother house." Julie said.

Caleb nodded and stood up. They all said their goodbyes and Caleb left the Big Brother house.

Derrick figured he should tell Zach about his plan of giving him a share if he won the 500K. "Hey Zach can I talk to you alone?" He asked.

Zach nodded and led him up to the HOH room.


Kk this chapter is complete and I'm completing it in my club lol :).

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