Chapter 13

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I'm tired guys lol. I just got on the bus on my way to school, though by the time you guys can read this I'll probably be at school lol.


Zach and Derrick entered the HOH room. "So what is it?" Zach asked.

Zach sat on the bed and Derrick sat on the couch. "Well I was thinking the other day. I just want you to know that I'm not telling you this so that you stop trying to win I'm just telling you this so that you know. If it comes down to us two being the final two, if I happen to win the 500K I want you to know that I'm going to give you some of it." Derrick said.

Zach looked at him, confused. "Why?" He asked.

"Well I know how hard it is to care for an infant and you and Frankie are going to need some money to take care of your child. Since I know how hard it can be, I want to help you." Derrick explained.

Zach smiled and stood up from the bed. He walked over to Derrick with open arms and Derrick stood up and hugged him. "Thanks man." Zach said.

"No problem." Derrick said.


After the HOH competition, with Cody winning, he needed help with who to put up, so he went to Derrick. "Hey Derrick, can we talk in the HOH room?" He asked.

Derrick nodded. They entered the room and sat down. "So what's up man?" Derrick asked Cody.

"I'm having trouble choosing who to put up." Cody said.

"Well most definitely put Victoria up." Derrick said.

Cody nodded. "Maybe she should be the pawn again and we can get Zach back out." Cody suggested.

Derrick shook his head. "Nah. He hasn't proven to be a threat again." Derrick knew he would have to throw in a small lie to convince Cody to keep Zach for a little longer. "With Frankie gone, Zach is going to be in no state to fight to win." Derrick lied.

"But with Frankie pregnant and out of the house Zach is going to want to win the money more than ever." Cody said.

"Yes he will but he won't be able to. He'll start lacking because he'll be missing Frankie." Derrick said. He hoped that would be the last lie he would have to tell about Zach to Cody. He knew that by telling Cody this, when Zach doesn't start lacking, Cody will confront him about it.

Cody nodded. "Ok I get what you're saying. We won't send him home yet."

Derrick nodded. "Ok. You can put up Victoria and Zach and we can send Victoria packing." He said.

Cody nodded. "Ok thanks for the help man."

"No problem." Derrick told him.


"Guys it's time for the nominations to be made." Cody told the houseguests.

"Ok. I have nominated you Victoria and you Zach. Victoria you are a great person and I hated having to put you up. Zach you are an ok person-" They all chuckled at that. "And knowing you have a child on the way, made it hard for me to put you up too. Thank you guys." Cody said.

Victoria and Zach nodded and they all stood up to go back to what they were originally doing. Derrick walked over to Zach. "Come here man." Derrick led him to the food storage room. "Cody came to me for help on who to nominate. I told him Victoria and he came up with the idea of putting you up and sending you home. In order to keep you safe, I did have to make up a few lies so that he would think that you weren't a threat, that you would miss Frankie too much to fight to win so hard." Derrick said.

Zach looked at him in amazement. "Why did you lie?" He asked.

"Because you have a child on the way and I know that you can do this." Derrick said.

"Gosh, thanks man." Zach said. He pulled Derrick into a one armed hug.

"You're welcome man." Derrick said.


Cody won the Veto and decided not to use it so now it's time for Cody to tell the house who he is sending out of the house. "Hello houseguests."

The final 4 looked up at the screen with Julie on it. "Hi Julie!" They said.

"Cody it's time for you to make your decision. Who are you voting out? But first the two nominees get the chance to change you mind. Victoria this is your 9th time on the block. Is there anybody else that you can thank?" Julie joked.

Victoria and the other houseguests laughed. "I don't think so Julie." She answered.

"Well if you have anything to say you may go first Victoria." Julie said.

"Thank you Julie. I've been on the block so many times. You haven't sent me home yet but on this show they say to expect the unexpected." Victoria sat down and Zach stood up.

"I've known you guys for about 3 months almost. I used to hate every single one of you fruit loop dinguses. While I still don't love you guys like brothers, I don't hate you either. I'm still here and I hope to be to the end, to support my family. Thank you." He sat back down.

"Thank you. Cody it's time for you to make your decision." Julie said.

Cody sighed. "Victoria, I'm sorry. it's nothing against you but you've only stayed this long to make it easier for the rest of us to win Competitions and frankly I think it's time for you to go home." Cody said.

Victoria stood, said her goodbyes to everybody and walked out of the Big Brother house, never to return.


I'm still tired and I'm only in 2nd period lol :) hope u liked this though.

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