Chapter 1 {Love Life}

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       It hurts, It hurts to feel love. It has been almost a week since CJ broke up with Mordecai. He couldn't blame her though, after all it was his wrong doings. Even though he hates to admit it...he missed CJ, just when he thought he found the perfect girl, the one, the missing puzzle piece, his soulmate, He lost her. It slipped through his fingers like it was nothing. Mordecai felt empty and this how his love life gonna be? Just dating and leaving?, or is he not gonna have any? Mordecai sighed by the thought of this, mabye he should just stop dating, its better for him and everyone else... 

Mordecai sat up as his bedroom door opened. It was Rigby. "Dude come on, Benson is gonna yell at us if you dont get up" Mordecai looked confused and looked at his clock. It was 8:15 and his shift starts soon "Shit" he muttered to himself. "I don't have time to shower now, and brush my teeth" Rigby scoffed "You don't have to do that, i mean i don't" Mordecai looked at Rigby in disgust and chuckled "You're gross, sigh whatever im gonna take a shower"

Before Mordecai could leave though Rigby stopped him "Hey Mordecai, are you...still upset about what happened with you and CJ?" He paused, thinking over hurts. "Nah, I already had gotten over it.." He said solemnly. "You sure because you look-" "Yeah im sure" Mordecai interupted. He left to the restroom and continued his daily routine

Meanwhile not so far from the park, was a cave. Among the cave where 3 bears. The Eldest brother who was a grizzly bear named Grizz, who was always energetic and full of positivity. Then the Youngest brother, who was named Ice Bear. He was calm and the most mature out of all of them. He cooks and cleans for his brothers, and he enjoys it. Then there was the middle child, named Panda.

Panda loved anime and manga, he even loves to chat with friends online and likes to post pictures. He loves his cell phone most of all, he wouldn't know what to do without it. Panda remembers his first girlfriend Susan, and oh how he was so excited and determine but in the end she didn't want to be with him. She called it over and Panda remembers how upset he was by this, that is until his brothers cheered him up. This made Panda want to find a girlfriend who would stay with him, he had a lot of crushes throughout the years.

He still had feelings for Lucy but as time went on his chances where getting slim. All he wants is someone to love him, someone who will catch his tears, someone who will put a smile on his face, to be in their arms and make a promise to stay together. It hurts...He can't love himself knowing that no matter what he does, no girl would go out with him. At least hes got his brothers and Miki-Chan. Panda got off his bed and put his eye contacts on. At the kitchen his brothers greet him

"Hey Panda! You overslept agian" Grizz said a little consern in his voice. "Oh im fine, just was online last night, nothing much" He responded, as he sat down and saw a stack of pancakes in front of him. "Well good, Well i was hoping later on we can all go to that new ice cream shop that has opened" Grizz voice was filled with excitement "Well....thats far isn't it...but sure i guess?" Panda didn't mind. The Ice cream shop was far but his brother seems happy so it must be worth it"

Gonna write chapter 2 soon if i got time. Also Yes they all live in San Francisco in my headcannon so dont be confused for the future chapters

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