Chapter 11 {Sleepless}

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Mordecai dried himself, trying to forget what happened just now, He decided to wait before returning. Why was he embarrassed, he doesn't even wear clothes! He sighed looking at the mirror..What is he doing? After so much denial he tried to convince himself, he still has a crush on Panda. This was a bad idea, it would have been beter to stay with Rigby's Parents, but alas he is now here. Its already late and Rigby is asleep. He assumed the others are asleep.

Mordecai entered Panda's Room slowly, as he thought, Panda was fast asleep. On the back of his mind he had an idea. A horrible idea that will get him in trouble. Mordecai walked to the sleeping bear and poked him gently. Yup still asleep, Mordecai assumed he was a heavy sleeper or just sleepy in general. He looked around to see if anyone is watching him, nope. Mordecai closed the curtains and shut the door. He slid to bed next to Panda and tried to sleep. Mabye he should confess.....Nah

An hour goes by and he couldn't sleep. Its not that he was stressed he was ok. Its not that he was uncomfortable, the bed was suprisingly very comfortable. The reason he couldn't sleep is because the way Panda slept.Panda was sleeping twoards him, letting the slow and heavy breathing aginst him. It was on his back and this felt weird, Mordecai turned and looked.

Panda was smiling, what was he dreaming about? Was it something that made him happy? What could make Panda happy, Mordecai thought. Anime? Plushies, Smoothies? Art? Music?Himself?? What ever it was, it made him smile. This made Mordecai have a smile of his own. Panda always looked cute when he smiled, his genuine smile and his was it. He had never seen a smile like this though. After all the weeks he had spent with him, he never saw a smile like that, and its wonderful. He looked so peaceful. Is that Lavender he smelled?

Sadly he couldn't see his eyes, something Mordecai liked about the panda bear. He has seen them twice already after all. His eyes where something. Its like looking into a mirror, seeing your own reflection in them. They also shined like diamonds or stars in a midnight sky. Panda's eyes are something he hasn't seen in anyone else.

Mordecai went closer to the bear, and the lavender smell got stronger, its his natural scent. He always thought Panda put on perfume or something, but this..this is way better than he had expected. He lavender smell is almost hypnotic in some way. He inhaled a bit which only made him smell the strong lavender smell.

He was about to move away until a pair of arms wrapped around him. Mordecai snapped out of it and saw he looked to see what was going on. Panda had just hugged Mordecai, probably mistaken for one of his plush toys. Mordecai wanted to push away but he didn't want to make him and it was far to late anyways. How was he going to explain this to Panda when he wakes up? Would he be upset?

Panda, nuzzled at his chest floof and this made Mordecai wince a bit and blushed. This can't be happening.Mordecai thought fast, he tried to slither his way down and out of Panda's arms. As he tried though Panda's grip tightened and now Mordecai is at eye level to him. He was so close to the bear, the lavender smell hitting his nostrils and he is closer to his smile.

That smile is all he could think about now. Mordecai never noticed how, unique the shape of his lips was. At that moment Mordecai had another horrible idea, mabye worst than the last. He wanted to kiss him. This is something he just can't do. He is better than this, he is practically stealing a kiss from Panda. A first kiss is something that should be special and not taken. Taking a kiss is something Mordecai would never do, but he ad to admit he was curious.

Whats it like to kiss him? Is it something nice or normal?? Was it something beautiful or boring? Mordecai wanted an awnser to this, but he can't wake up Panda and demand a kiss from him, thats a selfish move and a creepy one at that. Another thing is he doesn't think he can wait til morning to find out, but what's is he going to explain to Panda if he wakes up? Would Panda would be furious at him, shocked? disgusted?. Mordecai thought before he did anything. Waking him up for a kiss is a dick move and he had to explain to Panda about that.

He sighed and got closer to him. Mordecai wrapped his arms around Panda, he looked at him and his adorable face. Lips almost inches within eachother. He can't back down now, its either now or never. Mordecai closed his set his lips on Panda, he didn't know what to expect but, it was...great. His lips where like touching a cloud, and where soft and warm. It taste oddly sweet but not too sweet, its just the right amount. His lips where somehow perfect, it was like it was designed for him. He enjoyed this definitely way better than he had expected. unexpectedly Panda kissed back.

Mordecai was taken back by this, was he awake? He opened his eyes and, Panda was still asleep. Whats he dreaming about? and how was he ok with this? After a few minutes Mordecai pulled back with utter disbelief. He got away with it, not only that but he kissed back? Does Panda like him back? He wished he could kiss him agian but one is enough for the night. After all he was satisfied witn his awnser. Mordecai slid up a bit and he let Panda's head rest on his chest. Like that Mordecai was fast asleep.

An Hour goes by, Panda couldn't sleep. He didn't woke up from a nightmare, Panda woke up from a rather of a good dream....No it was great dream. It felt real. He didn't woke up from discomfort, he was oddly in a comfortable position. He woke up because of how he was placed. Panda woke up with warmth around him but it was a familiar warmth. Panda was hugging something rather, large. It wasn't his plushies, no it was Mordecai himself.

Panda wondered how did he get into this position? What made it even more odd was, Mordecai was hugging him back. Honestly he doesn't like beingn touched, but this felt nice. He nuzzled Mordecai to wake him up but, he just hugged tighter. Mordecai is definitely a heavy sleeper. He recalled Rigby telling him something like that. How is he going to explain to Mordecai when he gets up? Or whats he is going to explain to him.

He looked at him and saw Mordecai smiling. Huh me must be having a good dream, but what could he been it about? He never saw a smile like that? Those lips....its like he could almost feel them with his own just almost. Warm...soft.... Makes Panda wonder a bad idea he wouldn't think until now ...what's it like to kiss him?

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