[1] A New Command

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I was in the forbidden archives of Imperial forces. It was forbidden to everyone except for the superiors themselves.

I scanned the old and dusty books. One however, kept by Darth Sidious looks the newest. As I walked down to the end of the hall, a single light flicked on.

Beneath it lied a brand new black journal of sorts. I walked to the black journal. When I opened it a note lied inside.

"Lady Invictus,

If you are reading this then I have passed. This lies here for you to write of your destiny. For others shall follow the example you set.

Set the right one.

-Darth Sidious"

My eyebrows furrowed and I reached for the pen on the right top corner. Suddenly I felt a prick and I withdrew my hand quickly from the sudden and sharp pain.

I noticed I had been pricked by a needle. Then on the inside cover of the book the words 'Lady Invictus' were burned into it.

A smirk tugged at my lips. I then grabbed the black pen, I flipped the page and wrote.

"My first order as Lady Invictus, I shall build the second Death Star. It shall be much stronger than before and completed faster than the first one was intended to.

No one shall stand in my way."

I put the pen down and I closed the book. I turned around and left the forbidden room.

I then shut the heavy doors using the force, as that was the only way to open and close them.

I walk to my shuttle and up the ramp. I walk into the cockpit, "To the Star Destroyer. Com me in to Admiral Hask." I say and they nod and immediately get to work. Two Storm Troopers walk on board for extra protection.

"Lady Invictus. Admiral is on the line." One of the pilots inform me. "Admrial Hask." I say in a formal manner.

"Lady Invictus." He greets me. "I am on my way to the Star Destroyer. I want you to inform all of the Sith I have a very important meeting for them to come to. I want you there as well Admrial." I inform and he nods whilst saluting me.

"As you wish Lady Invictus." He says and his hologram fades away as I end the conversation.

[Location: Star Destroyer]

I walk to the board room as Admiral Hask walks beside me. I enter the board room to see my Sith followers already properly seated.

When I enter they stand in respect. "At ease." I say and they take their seats.

"My young Sith. As you know Darth Sidious has fallen with the Death Star. And as his only apprentice I am your superior of the Imperial Force." They all nod in understandment.

"The Death Star was a beautiful project. It was our most powerful weapon." I say as I turn my backs to them, I look out the window of the Star Destroyer I am in.

"Does anyone know why the Death Star was destroyed? What were we lacking in?" I ask as I turn around and look around.

I pace around them very slowly, I look at each of them individually. "We lacked the security. Because someone took their time off to not keep plans safe." I answered.

"Now with this information what can we do better for next time?" I ask as I return to my standing spot at the table. They all look at me curiously. "You're planning on building another one?" My apprentice asks.

I smile devilishly. "Not just planning Darth Bane." I say as I look down at him. "It's in the works as we speak. Only our highest of commands are in the process of creating the blue prints. This time, we shall keep this top secret. Until I give order none of you shall speak of this to anyone in any lower command."

I explain as I look down upon them. "Only I shall give commands to Admiral Hask on who knows what. If I hear any other Imperial that is not authorized on this information speak about this I will figure out who spoke to them of this. Then when I find out, I will kill them and the person who told them. Do. You. Read. Me?" I say very sternly.

I see their expressions become nervous as they pay very close attention. They nod in union. I smirk and turn around. "Good. We are done here, you are all dismissed." I announce and I hear them leave as I stare out the window.

"Admiral Hask." I say as I still sense him in the room. "We shall speak of who is authorized on this information." I say turning around.

[Location: Mustafar]

I walked with Hask in our base on Mustafar. "This is where the equipment shall be built. As our longest lasting base and safest our equipment will fit well here." I inform him.

Hask nods and looks at me "Lady Invictus.." He trails off as my royal name rolls off his tongue.

I can see that it is unnatural for him to call me that, we have known each other ever since we were young. And he would always call me by my real name, Y/N.

My mentor, Darth Sidious gave me the name. He told me it meant unconquerable and undefeatable.

I snap back to reality, "Yes Admiral Hask?" I ask and he steps a bit closer, while quieting his voice.

"Is it a good idea for you to be doing.. all of this?" He asks and I sigh.

"Hask you know I have no other option." I say and he nods "Just be careful, with you being the ruler you are in much more danger." Hask reminds me. I nod and smile. "I know Hask."

"Lady Invictus. We are ready to begin building."

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