[13] New Location

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I opened my heavy eyelids and I sat up. I was laying on an Imperial shuttle's medical bed. I didn't want to call out anything just in case there were pilots that didn't know I was alive. Just as if on cue Hask walked in.

"Y/N you're awake. Lovely to see you." I smiled, "You as well Hask. So? How was my funeral?" I asked and Hask laughed airly. "It went perfectly ma'am. So perfect I found someone you would have been searching for." Hask said and he smiled. I looked at him confused. Luke then walked in and my eyes widened. "Luke!" I said breathlessly and I quickly stood up, yet my weak legs couldn't hold me and so I fell. Luke luckily caught me and I laughed nervously. "S-Sorry." I said embarrassed.

Luke smiled and chuckled lightly "It's alright." He said softly which sent shivers down my spine. He helped me back on the bed and Hask announced he was going to go prepare for landing. "Where are we going Luke?" I asked and he looked at me. "Yavin. To my ship." I knitted my eyebrows. "Luke you know I'm not going to join the reb-" Luke cut me off frantically, "I know, I know. And that's why I have a home on an outer rim planet. One thats pretty uncolonized. I'm leaving the rebellion Y/N. After I talked to you I realized how I would be fighting this war forever. I don't want that and with the Empire weak I realized I could leave, with you." He smiled.

"Luke you can't leave because of me they need you." I say, feeling guilty. "Y/N I may be leaving with you but it isn't all because of you. Yes, with you is a big bonus but I want to leave because it just feels right. I've been with them for my share fair of time as well." He smiles and I smile. "Alright alright." I agree and if he couldn't grin wider he just then proved me wrong.

I felt the shuttle land and Luke got up. "I'll be back." He says and I smile and nod. Moments later he comes back with a bag. "Here are your items." He says and I smile. "Thank you Luke." Luke then helps me get up and as we walk down the ramp of the Imperial shuttle I saw Hask. I smiled at him, "Hask, thank you so much. For everything and for being my best friend." I say and he smiles. "Of course Y/N, I wish you good luck." He says and I hug him.

He hugs me back and I pull away. Hask walks back up the ramp and it shuts once he's climbed aboard. Luke and I walk to his ship hidden in the forest but rested in a clearing. We both climbed aboard and we set for the new planet Luke spoke of.

[Location: New Planet]

Luke landed onto a clearing, a large and rocky mountain set before us. "Hope you're ready to walk up a lot of stairs." Luke chuckles and I sigh.

After thirty straight minutes of climbing steep steps of a mountain side we approach a village.

Small maiden-like creatures approach us and escort us to a hut nicer and bigger than the others. "I'm assuming this is our hut." Luke says as we walk in. "Our?" I ask and he turns around. A faint blush arose on his cheeks. "I-I mean if you are uncomfortable or-" Luke begins and I chuckle.

"Luke it's alright." I smile and he lets out a sigh of relief. We unpack our things and after a few hours of getting settled in we walk out of the hut and to a cliff-side.

We sit down and Luke pulls me close by wrapping an arm around my waist. I place my head on his shoulder. Our feet dangle over the edge and we look out to the sea as well as watch the sun set.

"Luke does anyone know we're here?" I ask and he looks at me. "I haven't told a single soul." He said and I look at him. "Why's that?" I ask and he smiles. "I want to live in peace with you Y/N. I don't want to stay caught up in any war or fear. I don't want to keep running and if I'm honest I couldn't care where we'd end up as long as I'm at home, and that home is you." He grins and my heart practically melts.

A moment of peaceful silence passed until Luke spoke up again. "However I did leave pieces of a map with certain people and at certain places if anyone was driven enough to find us." He pointed out and I look at him with a risen eyebrow.

"You better hope the Empire won't find it." I say and Luke looks into my eyes. He gives me a reassuring look and says, "I have a feeling it won't."

I nod and I continue to look into his blue eyes. Then I speak up, "I love you." I say, funny thing is Luke said the same thing at the same time. I laugh lightly as does he.

Luke leans in and as do I. He gently kisses me, it being full of passion and longing. "I couldn't ever imagine being here with anyone else beside me." Luke says after we pull away.

I place my hands on the sides of his face. I smile as we look one another in the eyes. "I wouldn't want to ever be anywhere else, Luke." I say softly and he grins. I kiss him once more.

That day I realized, I would have never wanted my destiny written differently. Although I chose a dark path I was never fully controlled by it. I always knew I was walking the grey line of Light and Dark.

But with my disappereance, Luke only longed for me. He never stopped loving me and I never stopped loving him.

It was our destiny to be together.

The End.

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