Ch. 1-Her Dream (X)

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It was pitch black.

She didn't know where she was...but there was something in the dark waiting for her. She could feel it...a presence that was watching her every move from the creeping shadows. No matter which way she turned, she could feel it on the back of her neck: an intensely calculated stare that made her fur rise and crawl. 

The cold air slipped through her gown, between the loose fabric and through exposed fur, chilling her almost to the bone. Why was she wearing this? It was beautiful, no doubt, but hardly practical for the cold weather. Not to mention...fancy clothing wasn't really her style.

Spinning again, she locked her gaze with something watching her in the dense brush. Glowing red eyes stared at her from nearby, drawing her in and captivating her. They were curious and cold...and sent such shivers down her spine. They remained motionless until the silence was broken by a stick snapping by her twitched tail. 

The bushes rustled as she took a small step back. "Who are you..." His voice was like velvet...smooth and wrapping her in a tingling warmth she had never before experienced. 

"What...what did you just say?" she asked, her accent faint and slightly shaky. Her mind had temporarily shut down after her delicate ears had picked up his deep baritone.

The red eyes in the shadows crept closer as they narrowed. "" he repeated, his voice growing slightly irritated. "I will not ask again..."

Rubbing her arms to stave off the chills, she answered softly, "...Z-Zenai'a..."

The eyes narrowed dangerously and the black fur raised alarmingly on her body. "SPEAK UP!" the voice snapped angrily, the very trees trembling from the force behind the demand.

Jumping slightly, she took a deep breath and repeated herself, this time louder, "My name is Zenai'a,"

"Zenai'a..." the deep baritone hummed, as though the word held a sweet taste on his tongue. The sound of it made her lick slowly across her teeth, the larger canines pricking her tongue.

Ignoring her body's reaction, she breathed deep and took a step forward, squaring her shoulders. "Yes...and who are you?"

A rumbling laugh filled the air as the wind howled through the trees. "Wouldn't you like to know..." he chuckled, dark and amused. "What are you doing here?"

"I...I don't know, actually," she responded, her posture wavering slightly under this realization.

"Oh, come come now..." he teased. "We both know that isn't true. You know why you're just don't want to admit it to yourself," Another dark chuckle floated through the breeze as he whispered, "Come closer, Zenai'a, and perhaps you won't be afraid of the truth anymore,"

Green eyes large and curious, Zenai'a crept closer and peered through the brush. "And what am I afraid to admit?" she asked, trying to discern who her mystery speaker was.

A sudden gust of wind blew her gown wildly, and faster then she could blink, the eyes had risen from around her waist to high above her head. "You know the truth..." the voice said as arms came around her. Terrified, she couldn't look away from those dark red eyes. He easily held her captive with his arms, her mind already frozen by his gaze.

His grip tightened around Zenai'a's waist as he pressed her against his chest. His nose ran up her neck, inhaling her feline scent deeply. " are you doing...?" she asked, her body rigid in his embrace as he continued to breathe deeply. "Wh-why are you..."

His fingers slowly started massaging into her fur as he pulled her impossibly closer. "Oh, my sweet Zenai'a..." he muttered, his voice husky with barely subdued passion. "How many times...will you do this to me...?"

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