Ch. 3-Looking for Answers, Found a Nord

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= Zenai'a =

"What do you've never heard...of Malarak?! What kind of mages are you?!" leaning against a pillar, I watched as Itami flipped his shit in the mages guild. From what I could gather from the multitude of frantic mages, Malarak was either very new or very old. Most of the mages had never even heard of him, and the few who did, merely heard vague whispers and nothing for certain.

Rubbing my eyes slowly, I stand and grab my brothers' shoulder. "Itami, calm down. I'm sure these nice mages have more important things to do then to listen to you bitch at them all day. Come on, I'm hungry," Knowing he would follow me, I headed for the doors. Ignoring the frustrated growl behind me, I pushed them open and stepped into the main Vulkhel Guard crafting square.

Shielding my eyes from the harsh glare of the day, I look around carefully. People from all over the alliances were gathered here, selling and buying like there was no tomorrow. It didn't matter who you were around long as you could deliver what was being paid for, that is.

This was the kind of place I lived for and thrived in: a place where I can honestly blend in and not be seen unless I wanted to be. That is...I mean...unless Itami shut his big fat mouth. "This is ridiculous..." he hissed angrily.

Rolling my eyes, I scanned the marketplace slowly, my gaze finding itself locked on one merchant in the corner. She was also Khajiit...but her eyes betrayed what kind of feline she was. Her eyes were shifty...the eyes of one who knows far too much. Perhaps some of what she knew could be bought...for the right price, of course. "Hey, go get us some food? I want to check on O're-oh before we turn in for the night,"

Still muttering about the lack of smart elves in this town, Itami moved along towards one of the inns. Turning my attention to the main square again, I drew close and casually draped myself over a counter. Waiting for an opening, I observed the Khajiit again. She was a slimmer version of me...her fur was light brown and tan, and her speech was that of someone who spent much time around others of our race.

After a few minutes, the merchant caught my gaze, stepping close and writing on a scroll. "Do you have business with Eshaba, young one?" she asked, glancing at my face. "This one has many things to do before the moons rise. Have you business?"

"Fine...I'll cut to the chase," leaning close, I lower my voice to that which only another Khajiit would hear. "I need information...very specific information...that is apparently not well known,"

Eshaba glanced around before placing her elbows on the counter. "What kind of information? Many things pass through these streets in Vulkhel Guard...many things pass through Eshaba's ears. What kind of information can this one provide?"

"I need information on a Daedra..." keeping my voice low, I drag a slow claw against the rough wood of the counter. "...a very specific Daedra," 

Straightening up, Eshaba gestured at me to stay put as she went to speak to the blacksmith for a moment. I noticed more blades casually coming out of sheaths as the Khajiit made her way back to me. "Which Daedra?" she asked curiously. "There are many that have made names for themselves in this land. To which do you require information?"

I don't speak for a moment before saying softly, "Malarak," I could tell just from the way Eshaba tensed as I spoke the name...that a nerve was just hit. The blacksmith almost dropped the sword she was sharpening and both woman glanced at the heavily armored city guard walking past.

Fixing her face to one of curiosity, Eshaba smiled forcefully and said, "Come to this one during the night watch. Eshaba has something to give you concerning the name you seek,"

Though vague and hurried, I didn't miss the hidden message Eshaba just gave me. Whatever she had to tell about my mystery Daedra, it was dangerous and to be held in secret. After purchasing some fishing bait as a cover, I nodded to her and walked away.

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