I was picking chives. Chives aren't sweet, are they? Well... the ones I just ate were.
"MARYYYYYYYY! I need a wee." That was my little sister called Puberty. Whenever she needs a wee I have to go with her.
"Puberty, shut up and go by yourself!" I shouted. I'd had enough of this weeing business.
I heard a cry coming from the other room and I knew that mum would have a go at me so I just took her to the toilet. "Fine i'll take you to the toilet!" I groaned.
A little *tinkle tinkle* came from the toilet as she was doing her wee. "Fun" I thought, sarcastically.
It had been about a minute and Puberty still hadn't come out of the toilet and there were no more tinkle tinkles.
"Puberty, are you in there?" I called. There was no reply. Great..
I left her and went to go pick some chives from the bush in our garden.
Sweet as chives
AdventureWhen Mary tastes some really sweet chives, it takes her to another place.. SWEET AS CHIVES