Picking chives

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I was picking chives. Chives aren't sweet, are they? Well... the ones I just ate were.
"MARYYYYYYYY! I need a wee." That was my little sister called Puberty. Whenever she needs a wee I have to go with her.
"Puberty, shut up and go by yourself!" I shouted. I'd had enough of this weeing business.
I heard a cry coming from the other room and I knew that mum would have a go at me so I just took her to the toilet. "Fine i'll take you to the toilet!" I groaned.
A little *tinkle tinkle* came from the toilet as she was doing her wee. "Fun" I thought, sarcastically.
It had been about a minute and Puberty still hadn't come out of the toilet and there were no more tinkle tinkles.
"Puberty, are you in there?" I called. There was no reply. Great..
I left her and went to go pick some chives from the bush in our garden.

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