Chapter One

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Peter's POV

BANG I heard the familiar sound of Aunt May slamming the door after a day of work. It happens every time she comes home its a routine by now. PETER  she called me downstairs I was bracing myself  I walk down the wooden stairs each creaking warning me of what's to come. I go down the last step and there she is waiting for me at the bottom the look in her eyes is so unloving. Ever since Uncle Ben died she has been different taking everything out on me. WHACK she punched me in the eye a few more hits to the chest, stomach, and back and I blacked out at the bottom of the stairs.

I wake up laying on the staircase Aunt May never bothers to move me if I pass out. I look at the clock it's 4:00 am.  I try to get up but I feel a sharp pain I must have broken a rib during yesterdays beating. I drag myself up the stairs and I eventually make it to my room my closet is filled with first aid equipment and makeup. Even with my healing May seems to know how to cause bruises that last a while. After I cover up my gifts from my aunt with the makeup and my blue sweatshirt it's about 6:00. I start getting ready for school when my phone goes off its a text from the one and only Tony Stark. He always is texting me I'm not complaining or anything but it's just weird I mean he's a billionaire isn't he usually busy? 

Tony's POV

Ever since  I hired Peter as my "intern" I noticed some odd things about him he jumps at even the lightest touch I put my hand on his shoulder and he flinched like I was about to kill him. I worry about the kid he is all I have left. About a year ago a villain by the name of DeadRose with the power to take the life from any living thing by putting a  hand on their head. Came to New York and killed Pepper right in front of me. I'll admit I have been a little obsessed with Peter, texting him every day and checking in with Karen making sure he is okay she always reports a new injury but she never has any data on it. I am going to ask the kid about it today I just hope he opens up. I can't lose another person I care about not again. 

Peter's POV

UGH, how the hell was I fully awake at four in the morning and still I'm running to catch the bus! The driver pulls up I walk onto the bus full of people who don't like me and sit in the only empty seat which just happens to be in front of Flash a kid who has bullied me forever. Hey, Penis Parker hows your pal Tony oh wait you don't actually know him. As if he was listening to the conversation Mr. Stark texed me for the tenth time today I'll just ignore flash like I always do.

Tony: Hey kid u on the bus?

Peter: Yeah just got on why 

Tony: just wondering, are you free this afternoon?

Peter: I don't have any plans why do you need me at the tower?

Tony: Yes meet me there at 3:00 and don't make any stops 

Peter: Okay...

(short TimeSkip)

As soon as we arrived at the school I was shocked to see Happy at the front entrance. Hey, I thought I was meeting Mr. Stark at 3:00? Well, he decided to make it sooner Happy stood there staring at me while what felt like the entire school was looking at us like we had five heads. I thought about not going but then I remembered how much Mr. Stark hates when I ignore him so I went with Happy to Avengers tower. I mean it is Tony Stark my teachers will understand, Right?

(another short TimeSkip I honestly don't want to bore people to death with driving details)

When we get to the tower Mr.Stark is waiting for us in front of the building. I walk up to him, Kid! Mr. Stark hugs me. Hey Mr. Stark is there something wrong do you need spiderman who's ass do I need to beat. Nobody's ass needs to get beat I just wanted to hang out with you. Mr. Stark has been different since Pepper died he has been very protective and is always with me, and I love him for it I just can't ever let him know about May and what she has become it would break him. Okay, Mr. Stark what do you want to do? First of all, stop calling me "Mr. Stark" we have been working together for over 3 years now you can call me Tony, and I was thinking we could go swimming in the towers pool. THE TOWER HAS A POOL! Kid the tower has everything. wait, swimming... shit the makeup. 

Tony's POV 

I could tell Peter was hiding something maybe if I spend more time with him he will open up. I only want to know that he is okay. I never see the kid without a sweatshirt on which is part of the reason I suggested swimming I'm not saying I think he is hurting himself, but he has been spiderman since he was 13 if he is getting hurt while in the suit I need to add more protection to it.  

Peter's POV 

Tony had a bathing suit for me in the same pattern as my spiderman suit it also did not have a swim shirt or anything like that so this might be an issue I just threw my sweatshirt on and went downstairs.

Tony had a bathing suit for me in the same pattern as my spiderman suit it also did not have a swim shirt or anything like that so this might be an issue I just threw my sweatshirt on and went downstairs

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Tony was waiting for me in the kitchen. "Hey Pete" you ready he handed me a towel and we walked to the elevator "FRIDAY, bring us to the basement" suddenly it felt like we were freefalling until we got to the bottom. I felt like I was going to puke. The elevator door opened and when I stepped out I could not believe what I saw. Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Bruce, Strange, and Thor were there I was stunned I looked back to Tony. "why don't you take off that sweatshirt and hop in." I wanted nothing more than to do just that but I really did not want all of them to see the scars May had left on me. But it would look even weirder if I kept it on so I slowly unzipped the blue hoodie. The makeup I put over the scars and bruises I was covering up well but as soon as I get in the water that will change. I'll just try to not get too rough. Just as this thought went through my mind Tony shoves me into the pool I could already feel the layer of foundation coming off. The next thing I knew I was being lifted out of the water by Thor and got tossed to Steve who then threw me back into the water (so much for the makeup) Natasha ran passed me and slapped Steve and punched Thor. Tony glared at all of them and then looked back at me I looked down and most of the makeup was still on. I was relieved but as soon as I thought I was in the clear. Thor looked at his hands and saw the pale lotion-like substance covering them he looked up at me and walked over he lifted me out of the water and grabbed a towel he looked at Tony and Mr. Stark was confused Thor aggressively rubbed my chest and back I was trying not to wince but that didn't fool anybody thor stepped away and you could see the once white towel and the cuts and bruises left by my dear aunt May.

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